
Profile Config Commands

Configures e-mail notification settings. When a system event occurs e-mail notifications are sent (provided message logging is enabled) based on the settings configured here. Use this option to configure the outgoing SMTP server settings.

Supported in the following platforms:


email-notification [host|recipient]
email-notification recipient <RECIPIENT-NAME>
email-notification host <SMTP-SERVER-IP/HOSTNAME> sender <SENDER-EMAIL> [port|security|username]
email-notification host <SMTP-SERVER-IP/HOSTNAME> sender <SENDER-EMAIL> [(port <1-65535>, security [none|ssl|starttls], username <SMTP-USERNAME> password [2 <WORD>|<WORD>])]


email-notification recipient <RECIPIENT-EMAIL>
recipient <RECIPIENT-EMAIL> Defines the recipient‘s e-mail address. A maximum of 6 (six) e-mail addresses can the configured.
  • <RECIPIENT-EMAIL> – Specify the recipient‘s e-mail address (should not exceed 64 characters in length).
email-notification host <SMTP-SERVER-IP/HOSTNAME> sender <SENDER-EMAIL> [(port <1-65535>, security [none|ssl|starttls], username <SMTP-USERNAME> password [2 <WORD>|<WORD>])]
host <SMTP-SERVER-IP/HOSTNAME> Configures the host SMTP server‘s IP address or hostname
  • <SMTP-SERVER-IP/HOSTNAME> – Specify the SMTP server‘s IP address or hostname.
sender <SENDER-EMAIL> Defines the sender‘s e-mail address. This is the from address on notification e-mails.
  • <SENDER-EMAIL> – Specify the sender‘s e-mail address (should not exceed 64 characters in length). Use the email-notification > recipient > <EMAIL-ADDRESS> command to configure the recipient's address.
port <1-65535> This option is recursive and applicable to the ‘security‘ and ‘username‘ parameters.

Configures the SMTP server port. Use this option to configure a non-standard SMTP port on the outgoing SMTP server. The standard SMTP port is 25.

  • <1-65535> – Specify the port from 1 - 65535.
security [none|ssl|starttls] This option is recursive and applicable to the ‘port‘ and ‘username‘ parameters.

Configures the SMTP encryption type used

  • none – No encryption used
  • ssl – Uses SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) encryption between the SMTP server and the client
  • starttls – Uses STARTTLS encryption between the SMTP server and the client
username <SMTP-USERNAME> password [2 <WORD>| <WORD>] This option is recursive and applicable to the ‘port‘ and ‘security‘ parameters.

Configures the SMTP sender‘s username. Many SMTP servers require users to authenticate with a username and password before sending e-mail through the server.

  • <SMTP-USERNAME> – Specify the SMTP username (should not exceed 64 characters in length).
    • password – Configures the SMTP server password. Specify the password associated with the username of the sender on the outgoing SMTP server.
      • 2 <WORD> – Configures an encrypted password

        <WORD> – Specify the password (should not exceed 127 characters in length).


nx9500-6C8809(config-profile-default-ap8533)#email-notification recipient

nx9500-6C8809(config-profile-default-ap8533)#show context
profile ap8533 default-ap8533
 dscp-mapping 20 priority 7
 no autoinstall configuration
 no autoinstall firmware
 interface ge4
  ip dhcp trust
  qos trust dscp
  qos trust 802.1p
 use firewall-policy default
 email-notification recipient
 service pm sys-restart

Related Commands

no Disables or reverts settings to their default