
Configures RADIUS server‘s attribute behavior when proxying through a wireless controller or a RF Domain manager

Supported in the following platforms:


proxy-attribute [nas-identifier|nas-ip-address]
proxy-attribute [nas-identifier [originator|proxier]|nas-ip-address [none|proxier]]


proxy-attribute [nas-identifier [originator|proxier]|nas-ip-address [none|proxier]]

nas-identifier [originator|proxier]

Uses NAS identifier

  • originator – Configures the NAS identifier as the originator of the RADIUS request. The originator could be an AP, or a wireless controller with radio. This is the default setting.
  • proxier – Configures the proxying device as the NAS identifier. The device could be a controller or a RF Domain manager.
nas-ip-address [none|proxier]

Uses NAS IP address

  • none – NAS IP address attribute is not filled
  • proxier – NAS IP address is filled by the proxying device. The device could be a controller or a RF Domain manager. This is the default setting.


nx9500-6C8809(config-aaa-policy-test)#proxy-attribute nas-ip-address proxier
nx9500-6C8809(config-aaa-policy-test)#proxy-attribute nas-identifier originator

Related Commands

no Resets RADIUS server‘s proxying attributes