
Creates a Web Filtering policy and enters its configuration mode. This policy defines rules managing the local classification database and the cached data. When configured and applied, this policy also enables caching of URL classification records in a local database in a controller-based, hierarchically managed (HM) deployment. Use this option to specify the following: classification server details, size of the local database, time for which records are cached in the database, the action taken in case the classification server is unavailable, etc.

The Web filter policy is applied at the profile or device level.

For more information on URL filtering, see url-filter.

Supported in the following platforms:


web-filter-policy <WEB-FILTER-POLICY-NAME>


web-filter-policy <WEB-FILTER-POLICY-NAME>
<WEB-FILTER-POLICY-NAME> Specify the Web filter policy name. If the policy with the specified name does not exist, it is created.


nx9500-6C8809(config)#web-filter-policy test
Content Filter Mode commands:
  cache-max-recs       Configure the maximum number of records in local cache
  cache-save-interval  Configure the time a record is saved in local cache
  logging              Select logging method
  no                   Negate a command or set its defaults
  server-host          Configure URL classification server if it is not the
                       adopted controller
  server-unreachable   Permission to access website when classification server
                       is unreachable (default is pass)
  uncategorized-url    Permission to website when server fails to classify the
                       URL request (default is pass)

  clrscr               Clears the display screen
  commit               Commit all changes made in this session
  do                   Run commands from Exec mode
  end                  End current mode and change to EXEC mode
  exit                 End current mode and down to previous mode
  help                 Description of the interactive help system
  revert               Revert changes
  service              Service Commands
  show                 Show running system information
  write                Write running configuration to memory or terminal


Related Commands

no Removes an existing Web filter policy