
Configures the DHCP message type to match

Supported in the following platforms:


dhcp-match-message-type [all|any|discover|request]


dhcp-match-message-type [all|any|discover|request]

dhcp-match-message-type [all|any|discover|request]

Specifies the DHCP message type to consider for matching

  • all – Matches all message types: discover and request. Indicates that the fingerprint is checked with both the DHCP request and the DHCP discover message.

  • any – Matches any message type: discover or request. Indicates that the fingerprint is checked with either the DHCP request or the DHCP discover message.

  • discover – Matches discover messages only. A match is made only if the discover message sent by the client matches the match criteria set in the client identity. Values configured for request messages are ignored.

  • request – Matches request messages only. A match is made only if the request message sent by the client matches the match criteria set in the client identity. Values configured for discover messages are ignored.


nx9500-6C8809(config-client-identity-test)#dhcp-match-message-type all
nx9500-6C8809(config-client-identity-test)#show context
client-identity test
 dhcp 2 message-type discover option 2 exact hexstring 012456c22c44
 dhcp 1 message-type request option 60 exact ascii MSFT5.0
 dhcp-match-message-type all

Related Commands


Removes the DHCP message type to match