
Displays Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) related information

Supported in the following platforms:


show lldp [neighbors|report]
show lldp neighbors {on <DEVICE-NAME>}
show lldp report {detail|on}
show lldp report {detail} {(on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME>)}


show lldp neighbors {on <DEVICE-NAME>}
lldp Displays L2TPv3 neighbors table or aggregated LLDP neighbors table
neighbors Displays LLDP neighbors table
on <DEVICE-NAME> Optional. Displays L2TPv3 neighbors table on a specified device
  • <DEVICE-NAME> – Specify the name of the AP, wireless controller, or service platform.
show lldp report {detail} {(on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME>)}
lldp Displays L2TPv3 neighbors table or aggregated LLDP neighbors table
report detail Displays aggregated LLDP neighbors table
  • detail – Optional. Displays detailed aggregated LLDP neighbors table
Note: If the ‘on‘ keyword is used without the ‘detail‘ keyword, the system displays LLDP neighbors table summary on the specified device or RF Domain.
on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> The following keyword is recursive and common to the ‘report detail' parameter:
  • on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> – Displays aggregated LLDP neighbors table on a specified device or RF Domain
    • <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> – Specify the name of the AP, wireless controller, service platform, or RF Domain.


nx9500-6C8809#show lldp neighbors
Chassis ID: 00-18-71-D0-0B-00
System Name: TechPubs-ProCurve-Switch
Platform: ProCurve J8697A Switch 5406zl, revision K.12.1X, ROM K.11.03 (/sw/code/build/btm(sw_esp1))
Capabilities: Bridge  Router
Enabled Capabilities: Bridge
Local Interface: ge1, Port ID(Port Description) (outgoing port): 5(A5)
TTL: 113 sec
Management Addresses: