
Enables recovery from coverage hole errors detected by Smart RF. Use this command to configure the coverage hole recovery settings.

When coverage hole recovery is enabled, on detection of a coverage hole, Smart RF first determines the power increase needed based on the SNR (signal-to-noise ratio) for a client as seen by the access point radio. If a client‘s SNR is above the specified threshold, the transmit power is increased until the SNR falls below the threshold.



The coverage-hole-recovery parameters can be modified only if the sensitivity level is set to ‘custom‘. For more information, see sensitivity.

Supported in the following platforms:


coverage-hole-recovery {client-threshold|coverage-interval|interval|snr-threshold}
coverage-hole-recovery {client-threshold [2.4GHz|5GHz] <1-255>}
coverage-hole-recovery {coverage-interval|interval} [2.4GHz|5GHz] <1-120>
coverage-hole-recovery {snr-threshold [2.4Ghz|5Ghz] <1-75>}


coverage-hole-recovery {client-threshold [2.4GHz|5GHz] <1-255>}


Optional. Specifies the minimum number of clients associated to a radio in order to trigger coverage hole recovery.

2.4GHz <1-255>

Specifies the minimum number of clients on the 2.4 GHz band
  • <1-255> – Sets a value from 1 - 255. The default is 1.

5GHz <1-255>

Specifies the minimum number of clients on the 5.0 GHz band

  • <1-255> – Sets a value from 1 - 255. The default is 1.

coverage-hole-recovery {coverage-interval|interval} [2.4GHz|5GHz] <1-120>


Optional. Specifies the interval between the discovery of a coverage hole and the initiation of coverage hole recovery


Optional. Specifies the interval at which coverage hole recovery is performed even before a coverage hole is detected

2.4GHz <1-120>

The following keywords are common to the ‘coverage-interval‘ and ‘interval‘ parameters:
  • 2.4GHz <1-120> – Specifies the coverage hole recovery interval on the 2.4 GHz band
    • <1-120> – Specify a value from 1 - 120 seconds.
Note: coverage-interval – The default is 10 seconds.
Note: interval – The default is 30 seconds.

5GHz <1-120>

The following keywords are common to the ‘coverage-interval' and ‘interval' parameters:

  • 5GHz <1-120> – Specifies a coverage hole recovery interval on the 5.0 GHz band

    • <1-120> – Specify a value from 1 - 120 seconds.

Note: coverage-interval – The default is 10 seconds.
Note: interval – The default is 30 seconds.
coverage-hole-recovery {snr-threshold} [2.4Ghz|5Ghz] <1-75>


Optional. Specifies the SNR threshold. This value is the SNR threshold for an associated client as seen by its associated AP radio. When the SNR threshold is exceeded, the radio increases its transmit power to increase coverage for the associated client.

2.4GHz <1-75>

Specifies SNR threshold on the 2.4 GHz band

  • <1-75> – Sets a value from 1 dB - 75 dB. The default is 20 dB.

5GHz <1-75>

Specifies SNR threshold on the 5.0 GHz band

  • <1-75> – Sets a value from 1 - 75. The default is 20 dB.


nx9500-6C8809(config-smart-rf-policy-test)#coverage-hole-recovery snr-threshold 2.4GHz 35
nx9500-6C8809(config-smart-rf-policy-test)#show context
smart-rf-policy test
 sensitivity custom
 assignable-power 2.4GHz max 20
 assignable-power 2.4GHz min 8
 channel-list 2.4GHz 1,12
 channel-width 5GHz auto
 channel-width 2.4GHz auto
 area test channel-list 2.4GHz 1,2,3
 avoidance-time dfs 300
 coverage-hole-recovery snr-threshold 2.4GHz 35

Related Commands

no (smart-rf-policy-config-mode-command)

Disables recovery from coverage hole errors