
Negates a command or sets its default. Removes or modifies the RADIUS group policy settings. When used in the config RADIUS group mode, the no command removes or modifies the following settings: access type, access days, role type, VLAN ID, and SSID.

Supported in the following platforms:


no [guest|policy|rate-limit]
no guest
no policy [access|day|inactivity-timeout|role|session-time|ssid|time|vlan]
no policy access [all|console|ssh|telnet|web]
no policy day [all|fr|mo|sa|su|th|tu|we|weekdays]
no policy session-time
no policy ssid [<SSID>|all]
no policy [inactivity-timeout|role|time|vlan]
no rate-limit [from-air|to-air]




Negates a command or sets its default. Removes or modifies the RADIUS group policy settings. When used in the config RADIUS group mode, the no command removes or modifies the following settings: access type, access days, role type, VLAN ID, and SSID.


The following example shows the RADIUS guest group ‘test‘ settings before the ‘no‘ commands are executed:

nx9500-6C8809(config-radius-group-test)#show context
radius-group test
 policy vlan 1
 policy ssid test
 policy day mo
 policy day tu
 policy day we
 policy day th
 policy day fr
 policy day sa
 policy day su
 rate-limit to-air 200
 policy time start 13:30 end 17:30
nx9500-6C8809(config-radius-group-test)#no guest
nx9500-6C8809(config-radius-group-test)#no rate-limit to-air
nx9500-6C8809(config-radius-group-test)#no policy day all

The following example shows the RADIUS guest group ‘test‘ settings after the ‘no‘ commands are executed:

nx9500-6C8809(config-radius-group-test)#show context
radius-group test
 policy vlan 1
 policy ssid test
 policy time start 13:30 end 17:30