address (dhcpv4-pool-config)

Adds IP addresses to the DHCP address pool. These IP addresses are assigned to each device joining the network.

Supported in the following platforms:


address [<IP>|<HOST-ALIAS-NAME>|range]




Adds a single IP address to the DHCP address pool


Adds a single host mapped to the specified host alias. The host alias should be existing and configured.

Note: A network host alias maps a name to a single network host. For example, ‘alias host $HOST‘. In this example the host alias is ‘$HOST‘ and it maps to a single host ‘‘. For more information, see alias .

Adds a range of IP addresses to the DHCP address pool. Use one of the following options to provide the first IP address in the range:

  • <START-IP> – Specifies the first IP address in the range

  • <START-HOST-ALIAS-NAME> – Specifies a host alias, mapped to the first IP address in the range

Use one of the following options to provide the last IP address in the range:

  • <END-IP> – Specifies the last IP address in the range

  • <END-HOST-ALIAS-NAME> – Specifies a host alias, mapped to the last IP address in the range

Note: The host aliases should be existing and configured.


Optional. Applies additional DHCP options, or a modified set of options to those available to wireless clients. For more information, see dhcp-class (dhcpv4-server-policy-config).

  • <DHCP-CLASS-NAME> – Sets the DHCP class (should be existing and configured>


nx9500-6C8809(config-dhcp-policy-test-pool-testPool)#address class dhcpclass1
nx9500-6C8809(config-dhcp-policy-test-pool-testPool)#show context
 dhcp-pool testPool
  address class dhcpclass1

Related Commands

no (dhcpv4-pool-static-binding)

Removes the DHCP pool's configured IP addresses

dhcp-class (dhcpv4-server-policy-config)

Creates and configures the DHCP class parameters


Creates and configures network, VLAN, host, string, and network-service aliases