
Adds a device to the device categorization list as sanctioned or neighboring. Devices are further classified as AP or client.

Supported in the following platforms:


mark-device <1-1000> [sanctioned|neighboring] [ap|client]
mark-device <1-1000> [sanctioned|neighboring] ap {mac <MAC>|ssid <SSID> {mac <MAC>}}
mark-device <1-1000> [sanctioned|neighboring] client {mac <MAC>}


mark-device <1-1000> [sanctioned|neighboring] ap {mac <MAC>|ssid <SSID> {mac <MAC>}}


Configures the device categorization entry index number


Marks a device as sanctioned. A sanctioned device is authorized to use network resources.


Marks a device as neighboring. A neighboring device is a neighbor in the same network as this device.

ap {mac <MAC>| ssid <SSID>}

Marks a specified AP as sanctioned or neighboring based on its MAC address or the SSID it is beaconing

  • mac <MAC> – Optional. Specify the AP's MAC address

  • ssid <SSID> – Optional. Specify the SSID the AP is beaconing. After specifying the SSID, you can optionally specify MAC address of the radio.

All APs are marked if no specific MAC address or SSID is provided.

mark-device [sanctioned|neighboring] client {mac <MAC>}


Configures the device categorization entry index number


Marks the wireless client as sanctioned. A sanctioned device is authorized to use network resources.


Marks the wireless client as neighboring. A neighboring device is a neighbor in the same network as this device.

client {mac <MAC>}

Marks a specified wireless client as sanctioned or neighboring based on its MAC address

  • mac <MAC> – Optional. Specify the wireless client's MAC address.


nx9500-6C8809(config-device-categorization-ap5xx)#mark-device 1 sanctioned ap
 mac 11-22-33-44-55-66
nx9500-6C8809(config-device-categorization-ap5xx)#show context
device-categorization ap5xx
 mark-device 1 sanctioned ap mac 11-22-33-44-55-66

Related Commands


Removes an entry from the device categorization list