accounting (wlan-config-mode)

Defines the WLAN‘s accounting configuration

Accounting is the method of collecting user data, such as start and stop times, executed commands (for example, PPP), number of packets and number of bytes received and transmitted. This data is sent to the security server for billing, auditing, and reporting purposes. Accounting enables wireless network administrators to track the services and network resources accessed and consumed by users. When enabled, this feature allows the network access server to report and log user activity to a RADIUS security server in the form of accounting records. Each accounting record is comprised of AV pairs and is stored on the access control server. The data can be analyzed for network management, client billing, and/or auditing. Accounting methods must be defined through AAA policies.

Accounting can be enabled and applied to access point, wireless controller, or service platform managed WLANs. Once enabled, it uniquely logs accounting events specific to the managed WLAN. Accounting logs contain information about the use of remote access services by users. This information is of great assistance in partitioning local versus remote users and how to best accommodate each. Remote user information can be archived to a location outside of the access point for periodic network and user permission administration.

Supported in the following platforms:


accounting [radius|syslog|wait-client-ip]
accounting [radius|wait-client-ip]
accounting syslog [host|mac-address-format]
accounting syslog host <IP/HOSTNAME> {port <1-65535>} 
{proxy-mode [none|through-controller|through-rf-domain-manager]}
accounting syslog mac-address-format [middle-hyphen|no-delim|pair-colon|
pair-hyphen|quad-dot] case [lower|upper]


accounting [radius|wait-client-ip]
accounting radius Enables support for WLAN RADIUS accounting messages. When enabled, the WLAN uses an external RADIUS resource for accounting. This option is disabled by default.

Use the use > aaa-policy > <AAA-POLICY-NAME> command to associate an appropriate AAA policy with this WLAN. This AAA policy should be existing and should define the accounting, authentication, and authorization parameters.

accounting wait-client-ip Enables waiting for client‘s IP before commencing the accounting procedure
accounting syslog host <IP/HOSTNAME> {port <1-65535>} 
{proxy-mode [none|through-controller|through-rf-domain-manager]}
accounting syslog Enables support for WLAN syslog accounting messages in standard syslog format (RFC 3164). This option is disabled by default.
host <IP/HOSTNAME> Configures a syslog destination hostname or IP address for accounting records
  • <IP/HOSTNAME> – Specify the IP address or name of the destination host.
port <1-65535> Optional. Configures the syslog server‘s UDP port (this port is used to connect to the server)
  • <1-65535> – Specify the port from 1 - 65535. Default port is 514.
proxy-mode [none|through-controller|through-rf-domain-manager] Optional. Configures the request proxying mode
  • none – Requests are directly sent to the server from the device
  • through-controller – Proxies requests through the controller (access point, wireless controller, or service platform) configuring the device
  • through-rf-domain-manager – Proxies requests through the local RF Domain manager
accounting syslog mac-address-format [middle-hyphen|no-delim|pair-colon|pair-hyphen|
quad-dot] case [lower|upper]
accounting syslog Enables support for WLAN syslog accounting messages
mac-address-format Configures the MAC address format used in syslog messages
middle-hyphen Configures the MAC address format with middle hyphen (AABBCC-DDEEFF)
no-delim Configures the MAC address format without delimitors (AABBCCDDEEFF)
pair-colon Configures the MAC address format with pair-colon delimitors (AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF)
pair-hyphen Configures the MAC address format with pair-hyphen deli mi tors (AA-BB-CC-DD-EE-FF). This is the default setting.
quad-dot Configures the MAC address format with quad-dot deli mi tors (AABB.CCDD.EEFF)
case [lower|upper] The following keywords are common to all:
  • case – Specifies MAC address case (upper or lower)
    • lower – Specifies MAC address is filled in lower case (for example, aa-bb-cc-dd-ee-ff)
    • upper – Specifies MAC address is filled in upper case (for example, AA-BB-CC-DD-EE-FF)


nx9500-6C8809(config-wlan-test)#accounting syslog host port 2 proxy-mode none
nx9500-6C8809(config-wlan-test)#show context
wlan test
 ssid test
 bridging-mode tunnel
 encryption-type none
 authentication-type none
accounting syslog host port 2

Related Commands

no (wlan-config-mode) Disables sending of accounting message to the RADIUS server, disables syslog accounting, or disables waiting for client‘s IP before sending accounting messages