

Sets the ARP and DHCP components for this Ethernet port

Supported in the following platforms:


ip [arp|dhcp]
ip [arp [header-mismatch-validation|trust]|dhcp trust]


ip [arp [header-mismatch-validation|trust]|dhcp trust]
arp [header-mismatch-validation| trust] Configures ARP packet settings
  • header-mismatch-validation – Enables matching of source MAC address in the ARP and Ethernet headers to check for mismatch. This option is disabled by default.
  • trust – Enables trust state for ARP responses on this interface. When enabled, ARP packets received on this port are considered trusted and information from these packets is used to identify rogue devices within the network. This option is disabled by default.
dhcp trust Enables trust state for DHCP responses on this interface. When enabled, only DHCP responses are trusted and forwarded on this port, and a DHCP server can be connected only to a DHCP trusted port. This option is enabled by default.


nx9500-6C8809(config-profile-testnx5500-if-ge1)#ip dhcp trust

nx9500-6C8809(config-profile-testnx5500-if-ge1)#ip arp header-mismatch-validation

nx9500-6C8809(config-profile-testnx5500-if-ge1)#show context
 interface ge1
  description "This is GigabitEthernet interface for Royal King"
  duplex full
  dot1x supplicant username Bob password 0 test@123
  ip dhcp trust
  ip arp header-mismatch-validation
  qos trust dscp
  qos trust 802.1p
  channel-group 1

Related Commands

no Removes the ARP and DHCP components configured for this interface