
Creates a user-defined role and enters its configuration mode. Each role consists of a set of filters and action. The filters are match criteria used to filter wireless clients. And the action defines the action taken when a client matches the specified filters.

Supported in the following platforms:


user-role <ROLE-NAME> precedence <1-10000>


user-role <ROLE-NAME> precedence <1-10000>
user-role <ROLE-NAME> Configures the user role name
  • <ROLE-NAME> Specify a name for this user role.
precedence <1-10000> Sets the precedence for this role
Note: Lower the precedence, higher is the role priority. Precedence determines the order in which a role is applied. If a wireless client matches multiple roles, the role with the lower precedence is applied before those with higher precedence. While there is no default precedence for a role, two or more roles can share the same precedence.


nx9500-6C8809(config-role-policy-test)#user-role testing precedence 10
nx9500-6C8809(config-role-policy-test)#show context
role-policy test
 user-role testing precedence 10
 default-role use ip-access-list in test precedence 1
Role Mode commands:
  ap-location          AP Location configuration
  assign               Assign parameters to the role
  authentication-type  Type of Authentication
  captive-portal       Captive-portal based Role Filter
  city                 City configuration
  client-identity      Client identity
  company              Company configuration
  country              Country configuration
  department           Department configuration
  emailid              Emailid configuration
  employee-type        Employee-type configuration
  employeeid           Employeeid configuration
  encryption-type      Type of encryption
  group                Group configuration
  memberOf             MemberOf configuration
  mu-mac               MU MAC address configuration
  no                   Negate a command or set its defaults
  radius-user          Radius-user configuration
  ssid                 SSID configuration
  state                State configuration
  title                Title configuration
  use                  Set setting to use
  user-defined         User-defined configuration

  clrscr               Clears the display screen
  commit               Commit all changes made in this session
  do                   Run commands from Exec mode
  end                  End current mode and change to EXEC mode
  exit                 End current mode and down to previous mode
  help                 Description of the interactive help system
  revert               Revert changes
  service              Service Commands
  show                 Show running system information
  write                Write running configuration to memory or terminal

Related Commands

no (role-policy-config-mode-command) Removes an existing user role from the role policy