
Configures RADIUS user parameters

Supported in the following platforms:


{group <RAD-GROUP-NAME>} {guest}
{group <RAD-GROUP-NAME>} {guest expiry-time <HH:MM> expiry-date <MM/DD/YYYY> 
{access-duration <0-525600>|data-limit|email-id <EMAIL-ID>|start-time <HH:MM> start-date <MM/DD/YYY>|
telephone <TELEPHONE-NUMBER>}}
<PASSWORD>] {group <RAD-GROUP-NAME>} {guest expiry-time <HH:MM> expiry-date <MM/DD/YYYY> 
{access-duration <0-525600>|data-limit <1-102400> committed-downlink <100-1000000> 
committed-uplink <100-1000000> reduced-downlink <100-1000000> reduced-uplink <100-1000000>|
email-id <EMAIL-ID>|start-time <HH:MM> start-date <MM/DD/YYY>|telephone <TELEPHONE-NUMBER>}} 


<PASSWORD>] {group <RAD-GROUP-NAME>} {guest expiry-time <HH:MM> expiry-date <MM/DD/YYYY> 
{access-duration <0-525600>|data-limit <1-102400> committed-downlink <100-1000000> 
committed-uplink <100-1000000> reduced-downlink <100-1000000> reduced-uplink <100-1000000>|
email-id <EMAIL-ID>|start-time <HH:MM> start-date <MM/DD/YYY>|telephone <TELEPHONE-NUMBER>}} 


Adds a new RADIUS user to the RADIUS user pool
  • <USERNAME> – Specify the name of the user. The username should not exceed 64 characters.
Note: The username is a unique alphanumeric string identifying this user, and cannot be modified with the rest of the configuration.
passwd [0 <UNENCRYPTED-PASSWORD>| 2 <ENCRYPTED-PASSWORD>| <PASSWORD>] Configures the user password (provide a password unique to this user)
  • 0 <UNENCRYPTED-PASSWORD> – Sets an unencrypted password
  • 2 <ENCRYPTED-PASSWORD> – Sets an encrypted password
  • <PASSWORD> – Sets a password (specified unencrypted) up to 21 characters
group <RAD-GROUP-NAME> Optional. Configures the RADIUS server group of which this user is a member
  • <RAD-GROUP-NAME> – Specify the group name in the local database.
Note: If the user is a guest, assign the user a group with temporary access privileges.


Optional. Specifies that this user is a guest user. Guest users have restricted access. After enabling a guest user account, specify the expiry time and date for this account.

A guest user can be assigned only to a guest user group.

expiry-time <HH:MM> Specify the user account expiry time in the HH:MM format (for example, 12:30 means 30 minutes after 12:00 the user login will expire).
expiry-date <MM:DD:YYYY> Specify the user account expiry date in the MM:DD:YYYY format (for example. 02:15:2014).

start-time <HH:MM>

Optional. Specify the user account activation time in the HH:MM format.

{access-duration <0-525600>|data-limit <1-102400> committed-downlink <100-1000000> committed-uplink <100-1000000> reduced-downlink <100-1000000> reduced-uplink <100-1000000>| email-id <EMAIL-ID>| start-time <HH:MM> start-date <MM:DD:YYY>| telephone <TELEPHONE-NUMBER>} After configuring the above user details, optionally configure the following user information:
  • access-duration <0-525600> – Configures the duration, in minutes, for which this guest user can access the captive portal.
    • <0-525600> – Specify a value from 0 - 525600 minutes.
  • data-limit <1-102400> – Configures the data limit for which this guest user can access the captive portal. Specify a value from 1 - 102400 bytes.
    • committed-downlink <100-1000000> – Configures committed downlink bandwidth until data limit is reached. This value represents the download speed (in kilobits per second) allocated to the guest user. When bandwidth is available, the user can download data at the specified rate. If a guest user has a bandwidth based policy and exceeds the specified data limit, the speed is throttled to the reduced downlink rate (specified using this command). Specify a value from 100 - 1000000 Kbps.
      • committed-uplink <100-1000000> – Configures committed uplink bandwidth until data limit is reached. This value represents the upload speed (in kilobits per second) allocated to the guest user. When bandwidth is available, the user can upload data at the specified rate. If a guest user has a bandwidth based policy and exceeds the specified data limit, the speed is throttled to the reduced uplink rate (specified using this command). Specify a value from 100 - 1000000 Kbps.
        • reduced-downlink <100-1000000> – Configures reduced downlink bandwidth after data Limit is reached. This value represents the reduced speed the guest utilizes (in kilobits per second) when exceeding the specified data limit, if applicable. If a guest user has a bandwidth based policy and exceeds the specified data limit, the speed is throttled to the reduced downlink rate specified here. Specify a value from 100-1000000 Kbps.
        • reduced-uplink <100-1000000> – Configures reduced uplink bandwidth after data Limit is reached. This value represents the reduced speed the guest utilizes (in kilobits per second) when exceeding the specified data limit, if applicable. If a guest user has a bandwidth based policy and exceeds the specified data limit, the speed is throttled to the reduced uplink rate specified here. Specify a value from 100 - 1000000 Kbps.
  • email-id – Optional. User‘s e-mail ID
  • start-time – Optional. User‘s account activation time. After specifying the activation time, specify the activation date.
    • start-date – User‘s account activation date
  • telephone – Optional. User‘s telephone number (should include the area code)

To view access details of guest users on a RADIUS server, in the PriviExecutable Configuration mode, use the following command:

show > radius > guest-users
nx9500-6C8809#show radius guest-users time
         TIME (min:sec)
       0:00       500:00   user1
Current time: 09:03:07


nx9500-6C8809(config-radius-user-pool-wdws)#user guestuser1 password 0 guestuser@1 
group wdws guest expiry-time 12:30 expiry-date 12/15/2014 access-duration 500
nx9500-6C8809(config-radius-user-pool-wdws)#show context
radius-user-pool-policy wdws
 user guestuser1 password 0 guestuser@1 group wdws guest expiry-time 12:30 expiry-date 12/15/2014 access-duration  500

Related Commands


Deletes a user from a RADIUS user pool