
Negates a command or sets its default. Though the no command is common to the User Exec, Priv Exec, and Global Config modes, it negates a different set of commands in each mode.

Supported in the following platforms:




no <PARAMETERS> The no command is common across all configuration modes and sub modes. It resets or reverts settings based on the mode in which executed. For example, when executed in the AAA policy configuration mode, it allows you to reset or revert a specific AAA policy settings. Similarly, when executed in the global configuration mode, it only resets or reverts settings configured in the global configuration mode.

Usage Guidelines

The no command negates any command associated with it. Wherever required, use the same parameters associated with the command getting negated.

Global Config mode: No command options

ap8432-070235(config)#no ?
  aaa-policy                          Delete a aaa policy
  aaa-tacacs-policy                   Delete a aaa tacacs policy
  alias                               Alias
  ap7522                              Delete an AP7522 access point
  ap7532                              Delete an AP7532 access point
  ap7562                              Delete an AP7562 access point
  ap7602                              Delete an AP7602 access point
  ap7612                              Delete an AP7612 access point
  ap7622                              Delete an AP7622 access point
  ap7632                              Delete an AP7632 access point
  ap7662                              Delete an AP7662 access point
  ap8432                              Delete an AP8432 access point
  ap8533                              Delete an AP8533 access point
  application                         Delete an application
  application-group                   Delete an application-group
  application-policy                  Delete an application policy
  association-acl-policy              Delete an association-acl policy
  auto-provisioning-policy            Delete an auto-provisioning policy
  bonjour-gw-discovery-policy         Disable Bonjour Gateway discovery policy
  bonjour-gw-forwarding-policy        Disable Bonjour Gateway Forwarding
  bonjour-gw-query-forwarding-policy  Disable Bonjour Gateway Query Forwarding
  captive-portal                      Delete a captive portal
  client-identity                     Client identity (DHCP Device
  client-identity-group               Client identity group (DHCP Fingerprint
  crypto-cmp-policy                   CMP policy
  customize                           Restore the custom cli commands to
  device                              Delete multiple devices
  device-categorization               Delete  device categorization object
  dhcp-server-policy                  DHCP server policy
  dhcpv6-server-policy                DHCPv6 server related configuration
  dns-whitelist                       Delete a whitelist object
  event-system-policy                 Delete a event system policy
  ex3500-qos-class-map-policy         Delete a ex3500 qos class-map policy
  ex3500-qos-policy-map               Delete a ex3500 qos policy-map
  firewall-policy                     Configure firewall policy
  global-association-list             Delete a global association list
  igmp-snoop-policy                   Remove device onboard igmp snoop policy
  inline-password-encryption          Disable storing encryption key in the
                                      startup configuration file
  ip                                  Internet Protocol (IP)
  ipv6                                Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6)
  ipv6-router-advertisement-policy    IPv6 Router Advertisement related
  l2tpv3                              Negate a command or set its defaults
  mac                                 MAC configuration
  management-policy                   Delete a management policy
  meshpoint                           Delete a meshpoint object
  meshpoint-qos-policy                Delete a mesh point QoS configuration
  nac-list                            Delete an network access control list
  nsight-policy                       Delete a nsight policy
  passpoint-policy                    Delete a passpoint configuration policy
  password-encryption                 Disable password encryption in
  profile                             Delete a profile and all its associated
  radio-qos-policy                    Delete a radio QoS configuration policy
  radius-group                        Local radius server group configuration
  radius-server-policy                Remove device onboard radius policy
  radius-user-pool-policy             Configure Radius User Pool
  rf-domain                           Delete one or more RF-domains and all
                                      their associated configurations
  roaming-assist-policy               Delete a roaming-assist policy
  role-policy                         Role based firewall policy
  routing-policy                      Policy Based Routing Configuratino
  rtl-server-policy                   Delete a rtl server policy
  schedule-policy                     Delete a schedule policy
  sensor-policy                       Delete a sensor policy
  smart-rf-policy                     Delete a smart-rf-policy
  url-filter                          Delete a url filter
  url-list                            Delete a URL list
  web-filter-policy                   Delete a web filter policy
  wips-policy                         Delete a wips policy
  wlan                                Delete a wlan object
  wlan-qos-policy                     Delete a wireless lan QoS configuration

  service                             Service Commands


Priv Exec mode: No command options

ap8432-070235#no ?
  adoption        Reset adoption state of the device (& all devices adopted to
  captive-portal  Captive portal commands
  crypto          Encryption related commands
  debug           Debugging functions
  logging         Modify message logging facilities
  page            Toggle paging
  service         Service Commands
  terminal        Set terminal line parameters
  upgrade         Remove a patch
  wireless        Wireless Configuration/Statistics commands


User Exec mode: No command options

ap8432-070235>no ?
  adoption        Reset adoption state of the device (& all devices adopted to
  captive-portal  Captive portal commands
  crypto          Encryption related commands
  debug           Debugging functions
  logging         Modify message logging facilities
  page            Toggle paging
  service         Service Commands
  terminal        Set terminal line parameters
  wireless        Wireless Configuration/Statistics commands


Related Commands

no User Exec no command
no Priv Exec no command
no Global Config no command