
Profile Config Commands

Configures Network Operations Center (NOC) statistics update interval. This is the interval at which statistical updates are sent by the RF Domain manager to its adopting controller (the NOC controller).

Supported in the following platforms:


noc update-interval [<5-3600>|auto]


noc update-interval [<5-3600>|auto]
noc update-interval [<5-3600>|auto] Configures NOC statistics update interval
  • <5-3600> – Specify the update interval from 5 - 3600 seconds.
  • auto – The NOC statistics update interval is automatically adjusted by the wireless controller or service platform based on load. This option is enabled by default.


NOC-NX9500(config-profile-testNX9000)#noc update-interval 25

NOC-NX9500(config-profile-testNX9000)#show context include-factory | include noc

 noc update-interval 25

Related Commands

no Resets NOC related parameters