
Profile Config Commands

Specifies the controller group preferred for adoption

At adoption, an access point solicits and receives multiple adoption responses from controllers and service platforms available on the network. These adoption responses contain loading policy information the access point uses to select the optimum controller or service platform for adoption. After selecting the controller or service platform, the access point associates with it and optionally obtains an image upgrade and configuration. By default, an auto provisioning policy generally distributes AP adoption evenly amongst available controllers and service platforms. Use this command to specify the controller or service platform preferred for adoption. Once configured, the access point adopts to the specified preferred controller or service platform.

Supported in the following platforms:


preferred-controller-group <WORD>


preferred-controller-group <WORD>
<WORD> Specify the name of the controller (wireless controller or service platform) group preferred for adoption. Devices using this profile are added, on adoption, to the controller group specified here.


NOC-NX9500(config-profile-testNX9000)#preferred-controller-group testGroup

NOC-NX9500(config-profile-testNX9000)#show context include-factory | include pre
 preferred-controller-group testGroup

Related Commands

no Removes the preferred controller group configuration