sampling interval

Configures the interval, in seconds, at which clients are sampled to determine their RSSI value

Supported in the following platforms:


sampling-interval <5-60>


sampling-interval <5-60>

sampling-interval <5-60>

Configures the interval, in seconds, between two successive client samplings
  • <5-60> – Specify a value from 5 - 60 seconds. The default value is 15 seconds.
Note: Higher the RSSI number, stronger is the signal.


nx9500-6C8809(config-roaming-assist-policy-test)#sampling-interval 10
nx9500-6C8809(config-roaming-assist-policy-test)#show context
roaming-assist-policy test
 aggressiveness medium-high
 sampling-interval 10
 monitoring-interval 40
 handoff-count 5
 detection-threshold -90
 handoff-threshold -75
 action log
 disassoc-time 7

Related Commands

no Removes the configured sampling interval details