
Associates a device‘s autogen-uniqueid with this crypto CMP policy

A device‘s autogen-uniqueid is a combination of a user-defined string (prefix or suffix) and a substitution token. The WiNG software implementation provides two built-in substitution tokens: $SN and $MiNT-ID that represent the device‘s serial number and MiNT ID respectively. These substitution tokens are internally retrieved and combined with the user-defined string to auto generate a unique identity for a device.

To auto generate the device‘s unique ID, in the device configuration mode execute the following command:

autogen-uniqueid <WORD>

For more information on the autogen-uniqueid command, see autogen-uniqueid.

Supported in the following platforms:


use autogen-uniqueid


use autogen-uniqueid

use autogen-uniqueid

Associates a device‘s autogen-uniqueid with this crypto CMP policy. The device‘s autogen-uniqueid should be existing and configured.


ap505-D8273A(config-cmp-policy-CMP)#use autogen-uniqueid
ap505-D8273A(config-cmp-policy-CMP)#show context
crypto-cmp-policy CMP
 cert-renewal-timeout 60
 use autogen-uniqueid
 ca-server primary host port 8 path cmp
 trustpoint cmp-test subject-name "CN=ExampleCompany, O=Example Company" secret 0 test-secret  reference-id 123456 sender-name ", O=Example Company" recipient-name "O=Example Company,"
 subjectAltName dn TechPubsCA

Related Commands

no Removes the device‘s autogen-uniqueid associated with this crypto CMP policy