
Configures captive portal server parameters, such as the hostname, IP address, and mode of operation. This is the captive-portal server hosting the captive portal Web pages.

Supported in the following platforms:


server [host|mode]
server host <IP/HOSTNAME>
server mode [centralized|centralized-controller {hosting-vlan-interface <0-4096>}|self]


server host <IP/HOSTNAME>


Configures the internal captive portal server (wireless controller, access point, service platform)

  • <IP/HOSTNAME> – Specify the IPv4/IPv6 address or hostname of the captive portal server.

For centralized-controller mode, the server host should be a virtual hostname and not an IP address.

If enabling OAuth (social-media login) on the captive portal, configure the server‘s hostname and not the IP address. This is because some social media do not allow IP address as redirect-uri. For more information, see oauth and php-helper.

server mode [centralized|centralized-controller {hosting-vlan-interface <0-4096>}|self]


Configures the captive portal server mode. This parameter identifies the device that will capture and redirect a wireless user‘s Web browser session to a landing page where the user has to provide login credentials in order to access the managed network. The captive portal implementation is very flexible and allows captive portal services to reside anywhere within the WiNG managed network. For example, the capture and redirection can be performed directly by the access points at the edge of the network, centrally on the controllers or service platforms managing the access points, or on dedicated wireless controller deployed within an isolated network.


Select this option if capture and redirection is provided by a designated wireless controller/service platform on the network defined using an IPv4/IPv6 address or hostname. This dedicated device can either be managing the dependent/independent access points or be a dedicated device deployed over the intermediate network.

Ensure the IPv4 address or hostname of the wireless controller performing the capture and redirection is defined in the captive portal policy. And also, that the wireless controller is reachable via MINT.

centralized-controller {hosting-vlan-interface <0-4096>}

Select this option if capture and redirection is on a cluster of wireless controller/service platforms managing dependent/independent access points when redundancy is required. The capture and redirection is provided by one of the controllers in the cluster that is operating as the designated forwarder for the tunneled VLAN. The cluster can be configured as active/active or active/standby as required.

If using this option, ensure a non-resolvable virtual hostname is defined in the captive portal policy which is shared between the controllers in the cluster.
  • hosting-vlan-interface – Optional. Configures the VLAN where the client can reach the captive-portal server. This option is available only for the centralized-controller mode.
    • <0-4096> – Specify the VLAN number (0 implies the controller is available on the client‘s VLAN).


Select this option if capture and redirection is provided by the access point that is servicing the captive portal enabled Wireless LAN. This is the default setting.

When enabled each remote access point servicing the captive portal enabled WLAN performs the captive portal capture and redirection internally. The WLAN users are mapped to a locally bridged VLAN for which each access point has a SVI defined. The SVI can either have a static or dynamic (DHCP) IPv4 address assigned. The capture, redirection, and presentation of the captive portal pages are performed using the SVI on each access point the wireless device is associated to.


nx9500-6C8809(config-captive-portal-test)#server host
nx9500-6C8809(config-captive-portal-test)#show context
captive-portal test
 access-time 35
 custom-auth info bob
 connection-mode https
 inactivity-timeout 750
 server host

Related Commands


Resets or disables captive portal host and mode settings