
Configures a Network Access Identifier (NAI) realm name and enters its configuration mode

The NAI is the user identity submitted by the hotspot requesting client during authentication. The standard syntax is user@realm. NAI is frequently used when roaming, to identify the user and assist in routing an authentication request to the user's authentication server. The realm name is often the domain name of the service provider.

You can configure a list of NAI realm names of service providers operating within a specific hotpsot zone. This NAI realm name list is presented in ANQP response to a NAI realm and NAI home realm query.

Supported in the following platforms:


nai-realm <NAI-REALM-NAME>


nai-realm <NAI-REALM-NAME>

nai-realm <NAI-REALM-NAME>

Configures the NAI realm name for this passpoint policy

  • <NAI-REALM-NAME> – Specify the NAI realm name (32 characters maximum) for this passpoint policy. You can provide multiple names delimited by a semi colon.


nx9500-6C8809(config-passpoint-policy-test)#nai-realm example
Passpoint NAI Realm Mode commands:
  eap-method  Set an eap method
  no          Negate a command or set its defaults

  clrscr      Clears the display screen
  commit      Commit all changes made in this session
  do          Run commands from Exec mode
  end         End current mode and change to EXEC mode
  exit        End current mode and down to previous mode
  help        Description of the interactive help system
  revert      Revert changes
  service     Service Commands
  show        Show running system information
  write       Write running configuration to memory or terminal

nx9500-6C8809(config-passpoint-policy-test)#show context
passpoint-policy test
 access-network-type chargeable-public
 connection-capability ip-protocol 2 port 10 closed
 nai-realm example
 3gpp mcc 505 mnc 14

The following table summarizes NAI realm configuration mode commands.

Table 1. NAI-Realm-Config-Mode Commands
Command Description
eap-method Specifies the EAP authentication mechanisms supported by each of the service providers associated with this passpoint policy.

Related Commands


Removes the NAI realm name configured for this passpoint policy