
Configures a session‘s pseudowire ID, which describes the session‘s purpose. The session established message sends this pseudowire ID to the L2TPv3 peer.

Supported in the following platforms:


session <L2TPV3-SESSION-NAME> [pseudowire-id|rate-limit]
session <L2TPV3-SESSION-NAME> pseudowire-id <1-4294967295> traffic-source 
vlan <VLAN-ID-RANGE> {native-vlan <1-4094>}
session <L2TPV3-SESSION-NAME> rate-limit [egress|ingress] rate <50-1000000> 
max-burst-size <2-1024>


session <L2TPV3-SESSION-NAME> pseudowire-id <1-4294967295> traffic-source 
vlan <VLAN-ID-RANGE> {native-vlan <1-4094>}


Configures this session's name
  • <L2TPV3-SESSION-NAME> – Specify the L2TPV3 session name (should not exceed 31 characters in length). A tunnel is usable only if it has one or more session(s) (having specific session names) configured. The L2TPv3 tunnel has no idle timeout, it closes when the last tunnel session is closed.

pseudowire-id <1-4294967295>

Configures the pseudowire ID for this session from 1- 4204067295

A pseudowire is an emulation of a layer 2 point-to-point connection over a packet-switching network (PSN). A pseudowire is needed to encapsulate and tunnel layer 2 protocols across a layer 3 network.

traffic-source vlan <VLAN-ID-RANGE>

Configures VLAN as the traffic source for this tunnel

  • <VLAN-ID-RANGE> – Configures VLAN range list of traffic source. Specify the VLAN IDs as a range (for example, 10-20, 25, 30-35).

native-vlan <1-4094>

Optional – Configures the native VLAN ID for this session, which is not tagged

  • <1-4094> – Specify the native VLAN ID from 1- 4094.

session <L2TPV3-SESSION-NAME> rate-limit [egress|ingress] rate <50-1000000> max-burst-size <2-1024>
Configures this session's name
  • <L2TPV3-SESSION-NAME> – Specify the L2TPV3 session name (should not exceed 31 characters in length). A tunnel is usable only if it has one or more session(s) (having specific session names) configured. The L2TPv3 tunnel has no idle timeout, it closes when the last tunnel session is closed.
rate-limit [egress|ingress] Configures a rate for incoming and/or outgoing traffic on this L2TPv3 tunnel. When configured, this option limits the rate at which data is sent to or received from L2TPv3 tunnel members.
  • egress – Applies the specified rate to outbound traffic, from the L2TPv3 tunnel (going out from access points, wireless controllers, and service platforms) to the network
  • ingress – Applies the specified rate to inbound traffic, from the network to the L2TPV3 tunnel (coming in to access points, wireless controllers, and service platforms)
rate <50-1000000> Specify the data rate, in kilobits per second, for the incoming and/or outgoing traffic
  • <50-1000000> – Specify a value from 50 - 1000000 kbps. The default is 5000 Kbps.
max-burst-size <2-1024> Configures the maximum burst size, in kilobytes, for incoming/outgoing traffic rate limiting (depending on the direction selected) on a L2TPv3 tunnel.
  • <2-1024> – Specify the maximum burst size from 2 - 1024 kbytes. Smaller the burst size, lesser are the chances of the upstream packet transmission resulting in congestion of the L2TPv3 tunnel traffic. The default setting is 320 kbytes.

Usage Guidelines

The working status of a pseudowire is reflected by the state of the L2TPv3 session. If the corresponding session is L2TPv3 down, the pseudowire associated with it must be shut down.


nx9500-6C8809(config-profile default-nx5500-l2tpv3-tunnel-Tunnel1)#session tunnel1peer1session1 pseudowire-id 5000 traffic-source vlan 10-20 native-vlan 1
nx9500-6C8809(config-profile default-nx5500-l2tpv3-tunnel-Tunnel1)#show context
 l2tpv3 tunnel Tunnel1
  peer 2 hostname tunnel1peer1 udp port 100
  session tunnel1peer1session1 pseudowire-id 5000 traffic-source vlan 10-20 native-vlan 1
  router-id 2000
  establishment-criteria cluster-master
nx9500-6C8809(config-profile default-nx5500-l2tpv3-tunnel-Tunnel1)#

Related Commands


Removes a session