
Copies a file (config, log, txt, etc.) from a specified location on to the logged device (access point, wireless controller, or service platform) and vice-verse.

The command also copies the ExtremeCloud IQ server's CA certificate chain from a specified location to the logged device. WiNG 7.3.1 devices will be auto-provisioned with the ExtremeCloud IQ server CA certificate chain. However, if needed, you can use the copy command to copy the ExtremeCloud IQ server's CA certificate chain.

WiNG 7.3.1 integrates the WiNG software with ExtremeCloud IQ. Going forward, WiNG devices will be able to connect to the ExtremeCloud IQ server and post, periodic statistics, device inventory, configuration parameters, location hierarchy, event logs, etc. to ExtremeCloud IQ. The CA certificate chain is required to validate the ExtremeCloud IQ server's identity and establish a secure, SSL-authenticated, connection between the server and device.


Refer to the nsight-policy (global-config-mode) and server topics for information on configuring the ExtremeCloud IQ FQDN.

Supported in the following platforms:


copy xiq-cachain from <XIQ-CA-CERT-LOCATION-URL>


copy Copies a file (config, log, txt, etc.) from a specified source to the specified destination file
Note: Copying a new config file to an existing running-config file merges the two files. Both files, existing and new, are applied as the current running-config. However, copying a new config file to a start-up config file replaces the existing file with the new file. We recommend that you erase the existing config file before copying the new configuration.
<SOURCE-FILE> Specify the source file to copy.
<SOURCE-URL> Specify the source file's location (URL).
<DESTINATION-FILE> Specify the destination file to copy to.
<DESTINATION-URL> Specify the destination file's location (URL).
copy xiq-cachain from <XIQ-CA-CERT-LOCATION-URL>
xiq-cachain Copies the ExtremeCloud IQ server's CA certificate chain from a specified location to the logged WiNG device
from <XIQ-CA-CERT-LOCATION-URL> Specify the location from where the CA certificate chain can be copied
  • <XIQ-CA-CERT-LOCATION-URL> - Specify the path and file name.


Transferring file snmpd.log to remote TFTP server.
ap505-13403B#c#copy flash:/log/upgrade.log tftp://
Accessing running-config file from remote TFTP server into switch running-config.
ap505-13403B#c#copy tftp:// running-config
Copying the ExtremeCloud IQ server CA certificate chain to on to the logged WiNG device.
nx9500-6C8809#copy xiq-cachain from tftp://<hostname|IP>[:port]/path/file