no (wlan-config-mode)

Negates WLAN mode commands and reverts values to their default

Supported in the following platforms:






Removes this WLAN's settings or reverts them to default values, based on the parameters passed.

Usage Guidelines

The no command negates any command associated with it. Wherever required, use the same parameters associated with the command getting negated.


nx9500-6C8809(config-wlan-test)#no ?
  802.11v                                Configure 802.11v parameters
  accounting                             Configure how accounting records are
                                         created for this wlan
  acl                                    Actions taken based on ACL
                                         configuration [ packet drop being one
                                         of them]
  answer-broadcast-probes                Do not Include this wlan when
                                         responding to probe requests that do
                                         not specify an SSID
  assoc-response                         Association response threshold
  association-list                       Configure the association list for
                                         the wlan
  authentication-type                    Reset the authentication to use on
                                         this wlan to default (none/Pre-shared
  broadcast-dhcp                         Configure broadcast DHCP packet
  broadcast-ssid                         Do not advertise the SSID of the WLAN
                                         in beacons
  captive-portal-enforcement             Configure how captive-portal is
                                         enforced on the wlan
  client-access                          Disallow client access on this wlan
                                         (no data operations)
  client-client-communication            Disallow switching of frames from one
                                         wireless client to another on this
  client-load-balancing                  Disable load-balancing of clients on
                                         this wlan
  controller-assisted-mobility           Disable configure assisted mobility
  data-rates                             Reset data rate configuration to
  description                            Reset the description of the wlan
  downstream-group-addressed-forwarding  Disable downstream group addressed
                                         forwarding of packets
  dpi                                    Deep-Packet-Inspection (Application
  dynamic-vlan-assignment                Dynamic VLAN assignment configuration
  eap-types                              Allow all EAP types on this wlan
  encryption-type                        Reset the encryption to use on this
                                         wlan to default (none)
  enforce-dhcp                           Drop packets from Wireless Clients
                                         with static IP address
  fast-bss-transition                    Disable support for 802.11r Fast BSS
  http-analyze                           Enable HTTP URL analysis on the wlan
  ip                                     Internet Protocol (IP)
  ipv6                                   Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6)
  kerberos                               Configure kerberos authentication
  mac-authentication                     Configure mac-authentication related
  multi-band-operation                   Disable support for Agile Multiband
  nsight                                 Nsight Server
  opendns                                OpenDNS related config for this wlan
  protected-mgmt-frames                  Disable support for Protected
                                         Management Frames (IEEE 802.11w)
  proxy-arp-mode                         Configure handling of ARP requests
                                         with proxy-arp is enabled
  proxy-nd-mode                          Configure handling of IPv6 ND
                                         requests with proxy-nd is enabled
  qos-map                                Disable the 802.11u QoS map element
                                         and frame
  radio-resource-measurement             Disable support for 802.11k Radio
                                         Resource Measurement
  radius                                 Configure RADIUS related parameters
  registration                           Dynamic registration of device (or)
  relay-agent                            Configure dhcp relay agent info
  shutdown                               Enable the use of this wlan
  ssid                                   Configure ssid
  t5-client-isolation                    Do not Isolate traffic among clients
  t5-security                            Configure encryption and
  time-based-access                      Reset time-based-access parameters to
  use                                    Set setting to use
  vlan                                   Map the default vlan (vlan-id 1) to
                                         the wlan
  vlan-pool-member                       Delete a mapped vlan from this wlan
  wep128                                 Reset WEP128 parameters
  wep64                                  Reset WEP64 parameters
  wing-extensions                        Disable support for WiNG-Specific
                                         extensions to 802.11
  wireless-client                        Configure wireless-client specific
  wpa-wpa2                               Modify tkip-ccmp (wpa/wpa2) related

  service                                Service to monitor to show no-service
                                         page to user


The WLAN 'test' settings before execution of the no command:

nx9500-6C8809(config-wlan-test)#show context
wlan test
 description TestWLAN
 ssid test
 bridging-mode local
 encryption-type tkip-ccmp
 authentication-type eap
 kerberos server timeout 12
 kerberos server primary host
 accounting syslog host port 2
 data-rates 2.4GHz gn
 wing-extensions wmm-load-information
 client-load-balancing probe-req-intvl 5ghz 5
 client-load-balancing band-discovery-intvl 2
 captive-portal-enforcement fall-back
 ip dhcp trust
 acl exceed-rate wireless-client-denied-traffic 20 disassociate
 broadcast-dhcp validate-offer
 http-analyze controller
nx9500-6C8809(config-wlan-test)#no accounting syslog
nx9500-6C8809(config-wlan-test)#no description
nx9500-6C8809(config-wlan-test)#no authentication-type
nx9500-6C8809(config-wlan-test)#no encryption-type
nx9500-6C8809(config-wlan-test)#no enforce-dhcp
nx9500-6C8809(config-wlan-test)#no kerberos server primary host
nx9500-6C8809(config-wlan-test)#no kerberos server timeout
nx9500-6C8809(config-wlan-test)#no data-rates 2.4GHz
nx9500-6C8809(config-wlan-test)#no ip dhcp trust
nx9500-6C8809(config-wlan-test)#no captive-portal-enforcement

The WLAN 'test' settings after the execution of the no command:

nx9500-6C8809(config-wlan-test)#show context
wlan test
 ssid test
 bridging-mode local
 encryption-type none
 authentication-type none
 wing-extensions wmm-load-information
 client-load-balancing probe-req-intvl 5ghz 5
 client-load-balancing band-discovery-intvl 2
 acl exceed-rate wireless-client-denied-traffic 20 disassociate
 broadcast-dhcp validate-offer
 http-analyze controller