
Configures the authentication-type filter for this user-defined role

Supported in the following platforms:


authentication-type [any|eq|neq]
authentication-type any
authentication-type [eq|neq] [eap|kerberos|mac-auth|none] 


authentication-type any


The authentication type is any (eq or neq). This is the default setting.
authentication-type [eq|neq] [eap|kerberos|mac-auth|none] 

eq [eap|kerberos| mac-auth|none]

The role is applied only when the authentication type matches (equals) one or more than one of the following types:
  • eap – Extensible authentication protocol

  • kerberos – Kerberos authentication

  • mac-auth – MAC authentication protocol

  • none – no authentication used

Note: These parameters are recursive, and you can configure more than one unique authentication type for this user-defined role.

neq [eap|kerberos| mac-auth|none]

The role is applied only when the authentication type does not match (not equals) any of the following types:

  • eap – Extensible authentication protocol

  • kerberos – Kerberos authentication

  • mac-auth – MAC authentication protocol

  • none – no authentication used

Note: These parameters are recursive, and you can configure more than one unique ‘not equal to‘ authentication type for this user-defined role.


nx9500-6C8809(config-role-policy-test-user-role-testing)#authentication-type eq kerberos
nx9500-6C8809(config-role-policy-test-user-role-testing)#show context
 user-role testing precedence 10
  authentication-type eq kerberos
  ap-location contains office

Related Commands


Removes the authentication type filter configured for this user-defined role