
Displays Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP )protocol details

Supported in the following platforms:


show vrrp [brief|details|error-stats|stats]
show vrrp [brief|details|stats] {<1-255>} {(on <DEVICE-NAME>)}
show vrrp error-stats {on <DEVICE-NAME>}


show vrrp [brief|details|stats] {<1-255>} {(on <DEVICE-NAME>)}
vrrp Displays VRRP related statistics in brief or in detail depending on the option selected
brief Displays virtual router information in brief
details Displays virtual router information in detail
stats Displays virtual router statistics
<1-255> The following keyword is common to all of the above parameters:
  • <1-255> – Optional. Displays information for a specified Virtual Router. Specify the router's ID from 1 -255.
on <DEVICE-NAME> The following keyword is recursive and common to the ‘<1-255>' parameter:
  • on <DEVICE-NAME> – Optional. Displays specified router information on a specified device
    • <DEVICE-NAME> – Specify the name of the AP, wireless controller, or service platform.
show vrrp error-stats {on <DEVICE-NAME>}
vrrp Displays VRRP related statistics in brief or in detail depending on the option selected
error-stats {on <DEVICE-NAME>} Displays global error statistics
  • on <DEVICE-NAME> – Optional. Displays global error statistics on a specified device
    • <DEVICE-NAME> – Specify the name of the AP, wireless controller, or service platform.


nx9500-6C8809(config)#show vrrp error-stats
Last protocol error reason: none
IP TTL errors: 0
Version mismatch: 0
Packet Length error: 0
Checksum error: 0
Invalid virtual router id: 0
Authentication mismatch: 0
Invalid packet type: 0
nx9500-6C8809(config)#show vrrp details
VRRP Group 1:
  version 2
  interface none
  configured priority 1
  advertisement interval 1 sec
  preempt enable, preempt-delay 0
  virtual mac address 00-00-5E-00-01-01
  sync group disable