
Enables Telnet. Telnet provides a command line interface to a remote host over TCP. Telnet provides no encryption, but it does provide a measure of authentication. Telnet access is disabled by default.

By default Telnet, when enabled, uses Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) port 23. Use this command to change the TCP port.

Supported in the following platforms:


telnet {port <1-65535>}


telnet {port <1-65535>}
telnet Enables Telnet
port <1-65535> Optional. Configures the Telnet port. This is the port used for Telnet connections.
  • <1-65535> – Sets a value from 1 - 165535. The default port is 23.


nx9500-6C8809(config-management-policy-test)#telnet port 200
nx9500-6C8809(config-management-policy-test)#show context
management-policy test
 telnet port 200
 no http server
 https server
 ftp username superuser password 1 626b4033263d6d2ae4e79c48cdfcccb60fd4c77a8da9e365060597a6d6570ec2 rootdir dir
 ssh port 162
 snmp-server community snmp1 ro
 snmp-server user snmpmanager v3 encrypted des auth md5 0 test123
 snmp-server host v3 162
 aaa-login radius external
 aaa-login radius policy test
 idle-session-timeout 0
 restrict-access host log all

Related Commands

no Disables Telnet