
Loads default (built-in, system-provided) client identity fingerprints. This option is enabled by default.

The WiNG software provides some built-in client identity fingerprints that are automatically loaded when the client identity group if applied to a device (either directly or through the profile).

Supported in the following platforms:


load default-fingerprints


load default-fingerprints
load default-fingerprints Loads client identity default fingerprints. This option is enabled by default.



The auto-load default fingerprints option is enabled by default, as shown in the following example:

nx9500-6C874D(config-client-identity-group-test)#show context
client-identity-group test
 load default-fingerprints

In scenarios where only customized client identities are to be applied, use the no > load > default-fingerprints command to disable auto-loading of default device fingerprints.

nx9500-6C874D(config-client-identity-group-test)#no load default-fingerprints
nx9500-6C874D(config-client-identity-group-test)#show context
client-identity-group test
 no load default-fingerprints


Use the service > show > client-identity-defaults command to view default client identity fingerprints.
nx9500-6C874D#service show client-identity-defaults
client-identity Android-2-1
 dhcp 1 message-type request option 55 exact hexstring 0103061c21333a3b79
 dhcp 6 message-type request option 60 exact ascii dhcpcd\ 4.0.1
client-identity Android-2-2
 dhcp 1 message-type request option 55 exact hexstring 01792103061c333a3b
 dhcp 6 message-type request option 60 exact ascii dhcpcd\ 4.0.15
client-identity Android-2-3
 dhcp 3 message-type request option 55 exact hexstring 01792103061c333a3b
 dhcp 6 message-type request option 60 exact ascii dhcpcd\ 4.0.15
 dhcp 1 message-type request option-codes exact hexstring 353d32393c37
 dhcp 2 message-type request option-codes exact hexstring 353d3236393c37
 dhcp 10 message-type request option-codes exact hexstring 353d3236393c0c37

Related Commands

no Disables automatic loading of default client identity fingerprints