
Profile Config Commands

Enables controllers or service platforms to maintain a local configuration record of devices requesting adoption and provisioning. The command also enables learning of a device‘s host name via DHCP options.

Supported in the following platforms:


auto-learn [host-name-via-dhcp <WORD>|staging-config]


auto-learn [host-name-via-dhcp <WORD>|staging-config]
auto-learn [host-name-via-dhcp <WORD>| staging-config] Enables auto-learning of:
  • host-name-via-dhcp – A device‘s host name via DHCP option.
    • <WORD> – Provide the optional template with substitution token. For example, 'outdoor-$DHCP[1:3]-ap', where the $DHCP token references DHCP Option value received by the adopting device. The $DHCP token should be present. This option is disabled by default.
  • staging-config – The network configuration of devices requesting adoption. This option is enabled by default. For dependent access points that are pre-staged prior to deployment, it is recommended that the auto-learn-staging-config parameter remains enabled so that hostnames, VLAN and IP addressing configuration can be maintained upon initial adoption. However, if dependent access points are to be centrally managed and configured, it is recommended that the auto-learn-staging-config parameter be disabled


nx9500-6C8809(config-profile-test)#auto-learn staging-config

nx9500-6C8809(config-profile-test)#show context include-factory | include auto-learn
 auto-learn staging-config
 no auto-learn host-name-via-dhcp

Related Commands

no Disables automatic recognition of devices‘ hostname and devices pending adoption