
Changes the next boot partition or image on a specified device or on the logged device. The WiNG devices have two partitions: primary and secondary, with each partition containing an image of the operating system. Whenever the device boots up it loads the image from the partition specified here.

The partition currently in control of the boot process is the active partition, the other partition is the inactive partition with the alternate image. Use this command to manually change the next boot partition or image.

Supported in the following platforms:


boot system [active|inactive|primary|secondary] {on <DEVICE-NAME>}


boot system [active|inactive|primary|secondary] {on <DEVICE-NAME>}
system [active|inactive|primary|secondary] Specifies the image used by the device to boot up
  • active – Changes the next boot image to the current, running (active) image
  • inactive – Changes the next boot image to the current, inactive image
  • primary – Changes the next boot partition to the primary partition.
  • secondary – Changes the next boot partition to the secondary partition.
Note: You will need to reload the device in order for the change to take effect.
on <DEVICE-NAME> Optional. Changes the next boot image or partition on a specified device
  • <DEVICE-NAME> – Specify the name of the AP, wireless controller, or service platform.
Note: If no device is specified, the logged device's next boot-up configuration is changed.


ap510-133B38#show boot
     IMAGE            BUILD DATE             INSTALL DATE          VERSION
  Primary       12/06/2019 20:11:39     11/13/2019 06:30:58
  Secondary     11/21/2019 17:49:55     11/20/2019 12:26:01
Current Boot       : Secondary
Next Boot          : Secondary
Software Fallback  : Enabled
ap510-133B38#boot system primary
Updated system boot partition
ap510-133B38#show boot
     IMAGE            BUILD DATE             INSTALL DATE          VERSION
  Primary       12/06/2019 20:11:39     11/13/2019 06:30:58
  Secondary     11/21/2019 17:49:55     11/20/2019 12:26:01
Current Boot       : Secondary
Next Boot          : Primary
Software Fallback  : Enabled