
Configures the IP address or hostname of the server (NSight or ExtremeCloud IQ) that is designated to receive periodic stats, configuration details, event logs, etc. from controllers, virtual controllers, and RF Domain managers within the WiNG-managed network.

WiNG devices can be configured to send reports to an NSight server deployed on an external VM appliance or the ExtremeCloud IQ server. Use this parameter to provide the IP address or FQDN of the server.

Supported in the following platforms:


server host [<IP>|<HOSTNAME>|<X:X::X:X>] {http|https}
server host <HOSTNAME> {https} {enforce-verification}


server host [<IP>|<HOSTNAME>|<X:X::X:X>] {http|https}
server host [<IP>| <HOSTNAME>| <X:X::X:X>] Configures the NSight server's IP address or hostname. For NSight server host deployed on an external, on-premise, VM appliance, use one of the following options to identify the host:
  • <IP> – Configures the NSight server‘s IPv4 address
  • <HOSTNAME> – Configures the NSight server‘s hostname
  • <X:X::X:X> – Configures the NSight server‘s IPv6 address
{http|https} Optional. Configures the protocol used to communicate with the NSight server
  • http – Optional. Uses HTTP to communicate
  • https – Optional. Uses HTTPS to communicate (this is the default setting)
    Note: We recommend HTTPS over HTTP, as it is more secure. HTTPS transfers encrypted data, whereas HTTP transfers data as plain text.
server host <HOSTNAME> {https} {enforce-verification}
server host <HOSTNAME> Configures the ExtremeCloud IQ server's FQDN.

If ExtremeCloud IQ is the server designated to receive periodic stats, configuration details, etc. from your WiNG-managed network, use this parameter to configure the ExtremeCloud IQ server's FQDN.

Note: The WiNG 7.3.1 firmware integrates WiNG with ExtremeCloud IQ. Going forward, WiNG devices can securely connect to the ExtremeCloud IQ server. You will need the ExtremeCloud IQ license and your devices must be running WiNG 7.3.1, or later WiNG 7.x.x firmware version.
https Uses HTTPS to communicate with ExtremeCloud IQ server.
enforce-verification Optional. Establishes secure connection between the WiNG devices (controller and RF Domain Manager) and the ExtremeCloud IQ server.

Secure, encrypted communication between WiNG devices and ExtremeCloud IQ server is established only after the identity of the server and the WiNG device is successfully validated by both entities. WiNG devices use SSL authentication to validate the ExtremeCloud IQ server's CA certificate chain.

Note: In addition to configuring the ExtremeCloud IQ server's FQDN:
  • Manually upload the serial number and MAC address of the WiNG controller or VC to the ExtremeCloud IQ server. This can be done through the ExtremeCloud IQ server's UI.
    Note: After secure connection is established, the ExtremeCloud IQ derives AP details from the device-list posted by the controller or VC.
  • Use the #copy xiq-cachain from <CA-CERTLOCATION- URL> command to copy the ExtremeCloud IQ server cert to the WiNG device. For more information, see copy.
    Note: This step is optional. WiNG 7.3.1 devices are auto-provisioned with the ExtremeCloud IQ CA cert chain. However, if you have changed the ExtremeCloud IQ server's CA cert, execute this command to copy it to your WiNG devices.


nx9510-6C8A5C(config-nsight-policy-test2)#server host http
nx9510-6C8A5C(config-nsight-policy-test2)#show context
nsight-policy test2
 server host http 

Example: Enabling Stats & Configuration Reporting to ExtremeCloud IQ

To enable stats reporting by WiNG device to the ExtremeCloud IQ server:
  1. On the WiNG controller or VC, create an NSight policy.
    1. Enable the NSight policy.
    2. Configure the ExtremeCloud IQ server host's FQDN and enforce server certificate verification.
      nx9500-6C8809(config-nsight-policy-XIQ)#server host https enforce-verification


      In the syntax above, replace the FQDN with the ExtremeCloud IQ FQDN provided to you at the time of installation.
  2. Use the NSight policy on the self of the WiNG controller or VC. This enables the controller or VC to post configuration information to ExtremeCloud IQ.
    nx9500-6C8809(config-device-B4-C7-99-6C-88-09)#use nsight-policy XIQ
  3. Use the NSight policy in the RF Domain context. This enables the RF Domain manager to post periodic stats and operational parameter updates to ExtremeCloud IQ.
    nx9500-6C8809(config-rf-domain-XIQ)#use nsight-policy XIQ
  4. Copy ExtremeCloud IQ server certificate chain to the WiNG controller or VC, and RF Domain manager.
    nx9500-6C8809#copy xiq-cachain from ftp://<IP-ADDRESS>/<FILE-NAME>


    This step is optional. WiNG 7.3.1 devices are auto-provisioned with the ExtremeCloud IQ CA cert chain. However, if you have changed the ExtremeCloud IQ server's CA cert, execute this command to copy it to your WiNG devices.
  5. Upload the serial number and MAC address of the WiNG controller or VC to the ExtremeCloud IQ server. This can be done via the ExtremeCloud IQ UI.

Related Commands

no (nsight-policy-config-commands) Removes the NSight or ExtremeCloud IQ server's IP address or hostname configuration from this NSight policy