
Displays wireless configuration information and statistics

Supported in the following platforms:


show wireless [ap|bridge|client|coverage-hole-incidents|location-server|mint|mobility-database|
show wireless ap {configured|detail|load-balancing|on <DEVICE-NAME>}
show wireless ap {configured}
show wireless ap {detail} {<MAC/HOST-NAME>} {(on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME>)}
show wireless ap {load-balancing} {client-capability|events|neighbors} {(on <DEVICE- NAME>)}
show wireless bridge {candidate-ap|certificate|config|hosts|on|statistics}
show wireless bridge {candidate-ap} {<MAC/HOSTNAME> {<1-3>}} {(filter radio-mac <RADIO-MAC>)} 
show wireless bridge {certificate} status {on <DEVICE-NAME>}
show wireless bridge {config}
show wireless bridge {hosts} {on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME>}
show wireless bridge {statistics} {rf|traffic} {(on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME>)}
show wireless client {association-history|detail|filter|include-ipv6|
on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME>|statistics|tspec}
show wireless client {association-history <MAC>} {on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME>}
show wireless client {detail <MAC>} {(on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME>)}
show wireless client {filter [ip|on|state|wlan]}
show wireless client {filter} {ip [<IP>|not <IP>]} {on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME>}
show wireless client {filter} {on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME>}
show wireless client {filter} {state [data-ready|not [data-ready|roaming]|roaming]} 
show wireless client {filter} {wlan [<WLAN-NAME>|not <WLAN-NAME>]} 
show wireless client {include-ipv6} {detail|on|filter}
show wireless client {include-ipv6} {detail <MAC>} {(on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME>)}
show wireless client {include-ipv6} {filter {ip|ipv6|state|wlan}}
show wireless client {statistics} {detail|on|rf|window-data}
show wireless client {statistics} {detail <MAC>|rf|window-data <MAC>} 
show wireless client {tspec <MAC>} {(on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME>)}
show wireless coverage-hole-incidents [detail|on|summary]
show wireless coverage-hole-incidents detail {filter [ap <MAC/HOSTNAME>|client-mac <MAC>]|
summary} {(on <DOMAIN-NAME>)}]
show wireless location-server {on <AP-NAME>}
show wireless meshpoint {config|detail|multicast|neighbor|on|path|proxy|root|security|
show wireless meshpoint {config} {filter [device <DEVICE-NAME>|rf-domain <DOMAIN-NAME>]}
show wireless meshpoint {detail} {<MESHPOINT-NAME>}
show wireless meshpoint {on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME>}
show wireless meshpoint {multicast|path|proxy|root|security|statistics}  
show wireless meshpoint neighbor [<MESHPOINT-NAME>|detail|statistics {rf}] 
show wireless meshpoint {tree} {on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME>}
show wireless meshpoint {usage-mappings}
show wireless mobility-database {on <DEVICE-NAME>}

Syntax Continued.…..

show wireless mint [client|detail|links|portal]
show wireless [client|detail] {on|portal-candidates {<DEVICE-NAME>|filter <RADIO-MAC>}|
statistics} (<DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME>)
show wireless mint links {on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME>}
show wireless mint portal statistics {on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME>}
show wireless radio {detail|on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME>|statistics|tspec|wlan-map}
show wireless radio {detail} {<DEVICE-NAME>|filter|on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME>}
show wireless radio {detail} {<DEVICE-NAME> {<1-3>|filter|on}}
show wireless radio {detail} {filter <RADIO-MAC>} {(on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME>)}
show wireless radio {statistics} {detail|on|rf|windows-data}
show wireless radio {statistics} 
show wireless radio {statistics} {detail|window-data} {<DEVICE-NAME>} 
{<1-3>|filter <RADIO-MAC>} {(on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME>)}
show wireless radio {tspec} {<DEVICE-NAME>|filter|on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME>|
show wireless radio {wlan-map} {on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME>}
show wireless regulatory [channel-info|country-code|device-type]
show wireless regulatory [channel-info <CHANNEL-NUMBER>|country-code <COUNTRY-CODE>]
show wireless regulatory device-type [ap505|ap510i|ap510e|ap560i|ap560h] 
show wireless rf-domain statistics {detail} {(on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME>)}
show wireless sensor-server {on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME>}
show wireless unsanctioned aps {detail|statistics} {(on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME>)}
show wireless wips [client-blacklist|event-history] {on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME>}
show wireless wlan {config|detail <WLAN>|on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME>|policy-mappings|
show wireless wlan {detail <WLAN>|on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME>|policy-mappings|
show wireless {config filter {device <DEVICE-NAME>|rf-domain <DOMAIN-NAME>}}
show wireless wlan statistics {<WLAN>|detail|traffic} {on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME>}


show wireless ap {configured}
wireless Displays wireless configuration parameters
ap Displays managed access point information
configured Optional. Displays configured AP information, such as name, MAC address, profile, RF Domain and adoption status.
show wireless ap {detail} {<MAC/HOST-NAME>} {(on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME>)}
wireless Displays wireless configuration parameters
ap Displays managed access point information
detail <MAC/HOST-NAME> Optional. Displays detailed information for all APs or a specified AP
  • <MAC/HOST-NAME> – Optional. Displays information for a specified AP. Specify the AP‘s MAC address.
on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME>} The following keyword is recursive and common to the ‘detail <MAC/HOST-NAME>' parameters:
  • on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> – Optional. Displays information on a specified device or RF Domain
    • <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> – Specify the name of the AP, wireless controller, service platform, or RF Domain.
show wireless ap {load-balancing} {client-capability|events|neighbors} {(on <DEVICE- NAME>)}
wireless Displays wireless configuration parameters
ap Displays managed access point information
load-balancing {client-capability| events|neighbors} Optional. Displays load balancing status. Use additional filters to view specific details.
  • client-capability – Optional. Displays client band capability
  • events – Optional. Displays client events
  • neighbors – Optional. Displays neighboring clients
on <DEVICE-NAME> The following keyword is recursive and common to the ‘client-capability', ‘events', and ‘neighbors' parameters:
  • on <DEVICE-NAME> – Optional. Displays load balancing information, based on the parameters passed, on a specified device
    • <DEVICE-NAME> – Specify the name of the AP, wireless controller, or service platform.
show wireless bridge {candidate-ap} {<MAC/HOSTNAME> {<1-3>}} {(filter radio-mac <RADIO-MAC>)} 
wireless Displays wireless configuration statistics
bridge candidate-ap Optional. Displays information about the candidate infrastructure access points as well as the infrastructure access point that the client-bridge radio has selected.
Note: When enabled, the client-bridge radio scans its defined channels to locate the best candidate access point servicing the infrastructure WLAN.
<MAC/HOSTNAME> <1-3> Optional. Specify the client-bridge access point‘s hostname or MAC address. Optionally append the radio interface‘s number to form client-bridge in the form of AA-BB-CC-DD-EE-FF:RX or HOSTNAME:RX.
  • <1-3> – Optional. Radio interface index if not specified as part of mesh ID.
filter radio-mac <RADIO-MAC> This is a recursive parameter and common to all of the above options.
  • filter radio-mac – Optional. Provides additional filters to specifically identify the radio by its MAC address
    • <RADIO-MAC> – Specify the radio‘s MAC address.
on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> This is a recursive parameter and common to all of the above options.
  • on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> – Optional. Executes the command on a specified device or devices within a specified RF Domain
    • <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> – Specify the AP, controller, service platform, or RF Domain name.
show wireless bridge {certificate} status {on <DEVICE-NAME>}
wireless Displays wireless configuration statistics
bridge certificate status Optional. Displays all client bridges in configuration and the status of their PKCS#12 certificates
on <DEVICE-NAME> Optional. Executes the command on a specified device
  • <DEVICE-NAME> – Specify the AP, controller, service platform name.
show wireless bridge {config}
wireless Displays wireless configuration statistics
bridge config Optional. Displays all client bridges in configuration

The output displays the configured client-bridges‘ hostname, MAC address, profile, RF Domain, SSID, band, encryption, authentication, and EAP username.

show wireless bridge {hosts} {on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME>}
wireless Displays wireless configuration statistics
bridge hosts Optional. Displays the client bridge host information

The output displays the configured client-bridges‘ host‘s MAC Address, bridge MAC address, IPv4 address, bridging status, and activity.

Note: The HOST MAC column displays real MAC addresses of wired hosts, while the BRIDGE MAC column displays the translated MAC addresses. The BRIDGE MAC column is based on the radio 2 base MAC address and increments by 1 for each wired host connected to the client bridges Ge1 port.
on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> Optional. Executes the command on a specified device or devices within a specified RF Domain.
  • <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> – Optional. Specify the AP, controller, service platform, or Domain name.
show wireless bridge {statistics} {rf|traffic} {(on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME>)}
wireless Displays wireless configuration statistics
bridge statistics Optional. Displays the client-bridge related statistics
rf Optional. Displays the client-bridge related RF statistics

The output displays the signal, noise, SNR, TX/RX rates, retries, and errors.

traffic Optional. Displays the client-bridge related traffic statistics

The output displays TX/RX bytes, TX/RX packets, TX/RX bits/second, and dropped packets.

on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> Optional. Executes the command on a specified device or devices within a specified RF Domain
  • on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> – Optional. Specify the AP, controller, service platform, or Domain name.
show wireless client {association-history <MAC>} {on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME>}
wireless Displays wireless configuration parameters
client Displays client information based on the parameters passed
association-history <MAC> Optional. Displays association history for a specified client
  • <MAC> – Specify the MAC address of the client.
on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> Optional. Displays association history on a specified device or RF Domain
  • <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> – Specify the name of the AP, wireless controller, service platform, or RF Domain.
show wireless client {detail <MAC>} {(on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME>)}
wireless Displays wireless configuration parameters
client Displays client information based on the parameters passed
detail <MAC> Optional. Displays detailed wireless client(s) information
  • <MAC> – Optional. Displays detailed information for a specified wireless client. Specify the MAC address of the client.
on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> The following keyword is recursive and common to the ‘detail <MAC>' parameter:
  • on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> – Optional. Displays detailed information on a specified device or RF Domain
    • <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> – Specify the name of the AP, wireless controller, service platform, or RF Domain.
show wireless client {filter ip [<IP>|not <IP>]} {on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME>}
wireless Displays wireless configuration parameters
client Displays client information based on the parameters passed
filter IP [<IP>|not <IP>] Optional. Uses IP addresses to filter wireless clients
  • <IP> – Selects clients with IP address matching the <IP> parameter
  • not <IP> – Inverts the match selection
on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> The following keyword is common to the ‘IP' and ‘not IP' parameters:
  • on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> – Optional. Displays selected wireless client information on a specified device or RF Domain
    • <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> – Specify the name of the AP, wireless controller, service platform, or RF Domain.
show wireless client {filter} {state [data-ready|not [data-ready|roaming]|roaming]} {on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME>}
wireless Displays wireless configuration parameters
client Displays client information based on the parameters passed
filter state [data-ready| not [data-ready| roaming]| roaming] Optional. Filters clients based on their state
  • data-ready – Selects wireless clients in the data-ready state
  • not [data-ready|roaming] – Inverts match selection. Selects wireless clients neither ready nor roaming
  • Roaming – Selects roaming clients
on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> The following keyword is common to the ‘ready', ‘not', and ‘roaming' parameters:
  • on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> – Optional. Displays selected client details on a specified device or RF Domain
    • <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> – Specify the name of the AP, wireless controller, service platform, or RF Domain.
show wireless client {filter} {wlan [<WLAN-NAME>|not <WLAN-NAME>]} {on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME>}
wireless Displays wireless configuration parameters
client Displays client information based on the parameters passed
filter wlan [<WLAN-NAME>| not <WLAN-NAME>] Optional. Filters clients on a specified WLAN
  • <WLAN-NAME> – Specify the WLAN name.
  • not <WLAN-NAME> – Inverts the match selection
on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> The following keyword is common to the ‘WLAN and ‘not' parameters:
  • on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> – Optional. Filters clients on a specified device or RF Domain
    • <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> – Specify the name of the AP, wireless controller, service platform, or RF Domain.
show wireless client {statistics} {detail <MAC>|rf|window-data <MAC>} {(on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME>)}
wireless Displays wireless configuration parameters
client Displays client information based on the parameters passed
statistics {detail <MAC>|rf| window-data <MAC>} Optional. Displays detailed client statistics. Use additional filters to view specific details.
  • detail <MAC> – Optional. Displays detailed client statistics
    • <MAC> – Optional. Displays detailed statistics for a specified client. Specify the client's MAC address.
  • rf – Optional. Displays detailed RF statistics on a specified device or RF Domain
  • window-data <MAC> – Optional. Displays historical data, for a specified client
    • <MAC> – Optional. Specify the client's MAC address
on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> The following keyword is recursive and common to the ‘detail <MAC>', ‘RF', and ‘window-data <MAC>' parameters:
  • on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> – Optional. Displays client statistics, based on the parameters passed, on a specified device or RF Domain
    • <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> – Specify the name of the AP, wireless controller, service platform, or RF Domain.
show wireless client {tspec} {<MAC>} {(on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME>)}
wireless Displays wireless configuration parameters
client Displays client information based on the parameters passed
tspec <MAC> Optional. Displays detailed TSPEC (traffic specification) information for all clients or a specified client
  • <MAC> – Optional. Displays detailed TSPEC information for a specified client. Specify the MAC address of the client.
on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN- NAME> The following keyword is recursive and common to the ‘tspec <MAC>' parameter:
  • on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> – Optional. Displays detailed TSPEC information for wireless clients on a specified device or RF Domain
    • <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> – Specify the name of the AP, wireless controller, service platform, or RF Domain.
show wireless client {include-ipv6} {detail <MAC>} {(on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME>)}
wireless Displays wireless configuration parameters
client Displays client information based on the parameters passed
include-ipv6 Includes IPv6 address (if known) of wireless clients
detail <MAC> Optional. Displays detailed wireless client(s) information
  • <MAC> – Optional. Displays detailed information for a specified wireless client. Specify the MAC address of the client.
on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> The following keyword is recursive and common to the ‘detail <MAC>‘ parameter:
  • on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> – Optional. Displays detailed information on a specified device or RF Domain
    • <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> – Specify the name of the AP, wireless controller, service platform, or RF Domain.
show wireless client {include-ipv6} {filter {ip|ipv6|state|wlan}}
wireless Displays wireless configuration parameters
client Displays wireless client information based on the parameters passed
include-ipv6 {filter} Optional. Includes IPv6 address (if known) of wireless clients
  • filter – Optional. Defines additional filters. Use one of the following options to filter clients: ip, ipv6, state, and wlan.

By default the system only displays the IPv4 address of clients. The include-ipv6 parameter includes the known IPv6 address of each client.

ip [<IPv4>|not <IPv4>] Optional. Displays wireless client information based on the IPv4 address passed
  • <IPv4> – Displays information of the client identified by the <IPv4> parameter
  • not <IPv4> – Inverts the match selection
ipv6 [<IPv6>| not <Pv6>] Optional. Displays wireless client information based on the IPv6 address passed
  • <IPv6> – Displays information of the client identified by the <IPv6> parameter
  • not <IPv6> – Inverts the match selection
filter state [data-ready|not [data-ready|roaming]|roaming] Optional. Filters wireless client information based on their state
  • data-ready – Displays information of wireless clients in the data-ready state
  • not [data-ready|roaming] – Inverts match selection. Displays information of wireless clients neither ready nor roaming
  • Roaming – Displays information of roaming clients
wlan [<WLAN-NAME>| not <WLAN-NAME>] Optional. Displays wireless client information based on the WLAN name passed
  • <WLAN-NAME> – Specify the WLAN name.
  • not <WLAN-NAME> – Inverts match selection
show wireless coverage-hole-incidents {detail} {filter [ap <MAC/HOSTNAME>|
client-mac <MAC>]|summary} {(on <DOMAIN-NAME>)}
wireless Displays wireless configuration parameters. Use this option to view coverage-hole related incidents encountered by wireless clients and reported to associated access points.
coverage-hole-incidents Displays coverage-hole related statistics
detail filters [ap <MAC/HOSTNAME>| client-mac <MAC>] Optional. Displays detailed coverage-hole related statistics
  • filters – Optional. Displays detailed coverage-hole related statistics on a per access point or wireless-client basis
    • ap <MAC/HOSTNAME> – Displays detailed coverage-hole related statistics for a specified access point
      • <MAC/HOSTNAME> – Specify the access point‘s device name or MAC address.
    • client-mac <MAC> – Displays detailed coverage-hole related statistics encountered by a specified wireless client
      • <MAC> – Specify the wireless client‘s MAC address
Note: If the command is executed without any parameters being included, the system displays all coverage-hole related statistics.
summary Optional. Displays a summary of coverage-hole related statistics
on <DOMAIN-NAME> This parameter is recursive and is common to the ‘detail‘ and ‘summary‘ keywords:
  • on <DOMAIN-NAME> – Optional. Displays detailed or summary coverage-hole related statistics on a specified RF Domain
    • <DOMAIN-NAME> – Specify the domain name.
show wireless location-server {on <AP-NAME>}

show wireless location-server on <AP-NAME>

Displays location server connection status on a specified access point
  • <DEVICE-NAME> - Specify the AP name.

show wireless meshpoint {config} {filter [device <DEVICE-NAME>|rf-domain <DOMAIN-NAME>]}
wireless Displays wireless configuration parameters.
meshpoint Displays meshpoint related information. Use this option to view detailed statistics on each Mesh-capable client available within controller‘s adopted access point‘s radio coverage area.

A mesh network is where one where each node is able to communicate with other nodes and maintain more then one path to the other mesh nodes within the mesh network. A mesh network provides robust, reliable and redundant connectivity to all the members of the mesh network. When one member of the mesh network becomes unavailable, the other mesh nodes are still able to communicate with one another either directly or indirectly through intermediate nodes.

config Optional. Displays all meshpoint configuration
filters [device <DEVICE-NAME>| rf-domain <DOMAIN-NAME>] Optional. Provides additional filter options, such as device name and RF Domain name.
  • device <DEVICE-NAME> – Displays meshpoints applied to a specified device
    • <DEVICE-NAME> – Specify the device name
  • rf-domain <DOMAIN-NAME> – Displays meshpoints applied to a specified RF Domain
    • <DOMAIN-NAME> – Specify the domain name
show wireless meshpoint {detail} {<MESHPOINT-NAME>}
wireless Displays wireless configuration parameters
meshpoint Displays meshpoint related information. Use this option to view detailed statistics on each Mesh-capable client available within controller‘s adopted access point‘s radio coverage area.

A mesh network is where one where each node is able to communicate with other nodes and maintain more then one path to the other mesh nodes within the mesh network. A mesh network provides robust, reliable and redundant connectivity to all the members of the mesh network. When one member of the mesh network becomes unavailable, the other mesh nodes are still able to communicate with one another either directly or indirectly through intermediate nodes.

detail <MESHPOINT-NAME> Optional. Displays detailed information for all meshpoints or a specified meshpoint
  • <MESHPOINT-NAME> – Optional. Displays detailed information for a specified meshpoint. Specify the meshpoint name.
show wireless meshpoint {multicast|path|proxy|root|security|statistics} 
wireless Displays wireless configuration parameters
meshpoint Displays meshpoint related information. Use this option to view detailed statistics on each Mesh-capable client available within controller‘s adopted access point‘s radio coverage area.

A mesh network is where one where each node is able to communicate with other nodes and maintain more then one path to the other mesh nodes within the mesh network. A mesh network provides robust, reliable and redundant connectivity to all the members of the mesh network. When one member of the mesh network becomes unavailable, the other mesh nodes are still able to communicate with one another either directly or indirectly through intermediate nodes.

multicast Optional. Displays meshpoint multicast information
path Optional. Displays meshpoint path information
proxy Optional. Displays meshpoint proxy information
root Optional. Displays meshpoint root information
security Optional. Displays meshpoint security information
statistics Optional. Displays meshpoint statistics
[<MESHPOINT-NAME>| detail] The following keywords are common to all of the above parameters:
  • <MESHPOINT-NAME> – Displays meshpoint related information for a specified meshpoint. Specify the meshpoint name.
  • detail – Displays detailed multicast information for all meshpoints
on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> The following keyword is common to all of the above parameters:
  • on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> – Optional. Displays detailed multicast information on a specified device or RF Domain.
    • <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> – Specify the name of the AP, wireless controller, service platform, or RF Domain.
show wireless meshpoint {neighbor} [<MESHPOINT-NAME>|detail|statistics {rf}] 
wireless Displays wireless configuration parameters
meshpoint Displays meshpoint related information. Use this option to view detailed statistics on each Mesh-capable client available within controller‘s adopted access point‘s radio coverage area.

A mesh network is where one where each node is able to communicate with other nodes and maintain more then one path to the other mesh nodes within the mesh network. A mesh network provides robust, reliable and redundant connectivity to all the members of the mesh network. When one member of the mesh network becomes unavailable, the other mesh nodes are still able to communicate with one another either directly or indirectly through intermediate nodes.

neighbor Optional. Displays meshpoint neighbor information, based on the parameters passed
[<MESHPOINT-NAME>| detail|statistics {rf}] Select one of the following parameter to view neighbor related information
  • <MESHPOINT-NAME> – Displays detailed multicast information for a specified meshpoint. Specify the meshpoint name.
  • detail – Displays detailed multicast information for all meshpoints
  • statistics – Displays neighbors related statistics
    • rf – Optional. Displays RF related statistics for neighbors
on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN- NAME> The following keyword is common to all of the above parameters:
  • on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> – Optional. Displays meshpoint neighbor information, based on the parameters passed, on a specified device or RF Domain.
    • <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> – Specify the name of the AP, wireless controller, service platform, or RF Domain.
show wireless meshpoint {tree} {on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN- NAME>}
wireless Displays wireless configuration parameters
meshpoint Displays meshpoint related information
Note: The show > wireless > meshpoint > tree command can be executed only from a wireless controller.
tree Optional. Displays meshpoint network tree
on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> Optional. Displays meshpoint network tree on a specified device or RF Domain
  • <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> – Optional. Specify the name of AP, wireless controller, service platform, or RF Domain
show wireless meshpoint {usage-mappings|on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME>}
wireless Displays wireless configuration parameters
meshpoint Displays meshpoint related information
usage-mappings Optional. Lists all devices and profiles using the meshpoint
on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN- NAME> Optional. Displays meshpoint applied to a specified device or RF Domain
  • <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> – Optional. Specify the name of AP, wireless controller, service platform, or RF Domain
show wireless mobility-database {on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME>}
wireless Displays wireless configuration parameters
mobility-database Displays controller-assisted mobility database
on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> The following keyword is recursive and common to the ‘filter <RADIO-MAC>‘ parameter:
  • on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> – Optional. Displays detailed radio operation status for all or a specified radio on a specified device or RF Domain.
    • <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> – Specify the name of the AP, wireless controller, service platform, or RF Domain.
show wireless mint [client|detail] {portal-candidates {<DEVICE-NAME>|filter <RADIO-MAC>}|statistics} (on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME>)
wireless mint [client|detail] Displays radio MiNT-mesh related statistics
  • client – Displays MiNT-mesh client related information. Use the ‘client‘ option to view detailed statistics on each Mesh capable client available within the selected access point‘s radio coverage area.
  • detail – Displays detailed MiNT-mesh related information
portal-candidates Displays detailed information about portal candidates for a MiNT-mesh. Mesh points connected to an external network and forwarding traffic in and out are Mesh portals. Mesh points must find paths to a portal to access the Internet. When multiple portals exist, the mesh point must select one.

Use the additional filter option to view specific portal candidate details.

statistics This option is common to the ‘client‘ and ‘detail‘ keyword.

Displays MiNT-mesh client statistical data.

on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> This option is common to the ‘client‘ and ‘detail‘ keyword.
Displays MiNT-mesh client related information on a specific device or RF Domain
  • <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> – Specify the access point, controller, or RF Domain name.
show wireless mint portal statistics {on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME>}
wireless mint Displays radio MiNT-mesh related statistics
links Displays MiNT-mesh links related information. MiNT Links are automatically created between controllers and access points during adoption using MLCP (MiNT Link Creation Protocol). They can also be manually created between a controller and access point (or) between access points. MiNT links are manually created between controllers while configuring a cluster.

Level 2 (or) remote MiNT links are controller aware links, and requires IP network for communication. This level 2 MiNT links at access points are intended for remote adaptive AP deployment and management from NOC. With Level2 MiNT links, access points are only aware of the controllers and not about other access points. Level 2 MiNT links also provide partitioning, between access points deployed at various remote sites.

on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> Displays MiNT-mesh links on a specific device or RF Domain
  • <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> – Specify the access point, controller, or RF Domain name.
show wireless mint portal statistics {on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME>}
wireless mint Displays radio MiNT-mesh related statistics
portal Displays legacy client on MiNT-mesh portal
on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> Displays legacy client on MiNT-mesh portal on a specific device or RF Domain
  • <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> – Specify the access point, controller, or RF Domain name.
show wireless radio {detail} {<DEVICE-NAME> {<1-3>|filter|on}}
wireless Displays wireless configuration parameters
radio Displays radio operation status and other related information. Use this option to view radio association data, including radio ID, connected APs, radio type, quality index and Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR). This data is reported to the managing controller or service platform from connected access point radios and should be refreshed periodically.
A radio‘s RF Mode displays as:
  • 2.4GHz-wlan – If it is configured to provide 2.4 GHz WLAN service
  • 5GHz-wlan – If it is configured to provide 5.0 GHz WLAN service
  • bridge – If it is configured to provide client-bridge operation
detail Optional. Displays detailed radio operation status
<DEVICE-NAME> Optional. Displays detailed information for a specified radio. Specify the MAC address or hostname, or append the interface number to form the radio ID in the AA-BB-CC-DD-EE-FF:RX or HOSTNAME:RX format.
<1-3> Optional. Specify the radio interface index from 1 - 3 (if not specified as part of the radio ID)
filter <RADIO-MAC> Optional. Provides additional filters
  • <RADIO-MAC> – Optional. Filters based on the radio MAC address
on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> Optional. After specifying the radio MAC address, further refine the search by specifying a device or RF Domain.
  • <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> – Specify the name of the AP, wireless controller, service platform, or RF Domain.
show wireless radio {detail} {filter <RADIO-MAC>} {(on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME>)}
wireless Displays wireless configuration parameters
radio Displays radio operation status and other related information. Use this option to view radio association data, including radio ID, connected APs, radio type, quality index and SNR. This data is reported to the managing controller or service platform from connected access point radios and should be refreshed periodically.
A radio‘s RF Mode displays as:
  • 2.4GHz-wlan – If it is configured to provide 2.4 GHz WLAN service
  • 5GHz-wlan – If it is configured to provide 5.0 GHz WLAN service
  • bridge – If it is configured to provide client-bridge operation
detail Optional. Displays detailed radio operation status
filter <RADIO-MAC> Optional. Provides additional filter options
  • <RADIO-MAC> – Uses MAC address to filter radios
on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> The following keyword is recursive and common to the ‘filter <RADIO-MAC>' parameter:
  • on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> – Optional. Displays detailed radio operation status for all or a specified radio on a specified device or RF Domain.
    • <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> – Specify the name of the AP, wireless controller, service platform, or RF Domain.
show wireless radio {statistics} {on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME>|rf {on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME>}}
wireless Displays wireless configuration parameters
radio Displays radio operation status and other related information. Use this option to view radio association data, including radio ID, connected APs, radio type, quality index and SNR. This data is reported to the managing controller or service platform from connected access point radios and should be refreshed periodically.
A radio‘s RF Mode displays as:
  • 2.4GHz-wlan – If it is configured to provide 2.4 GHz WLAN service
  • 5GHz-wlan – If it is configured to provide 5.0 GHz WLAN service
  • bridge – If it is configured to provide client-bridge operation
statistics Optional. Displays radio traffic and RF statistics
on <DEVICE-OR-DOMIAN- NAME> Optional. Displays traffic and RF related statistics on a specified device or RF Domain
  • <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> – Specify the name of the AP, wireless controller, service platform, or RF Domain.
rf {on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME>} Optional. Displays RF statistics on a specified device or RF Domain
  • <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> – Specify the name of the AP, wireless controller, service platform, or RF Domain.
show wireless radio {statistics} {detail|window-data} {<DEVICE-NAME>} {<1-3>|filter <RADIO-MAC>} {(on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME>)}
wireless Displays wireless configuration parameters
radio Displays radio operation status and other related information. Use this option to view radio association data, including radio ID, connected APs, radio type, quality index and SNR. This data is reported to the managing controller or service platform from connected access point radios and should be refreshed periodically.
A radio‘s RF Mode displays as:
  • 2.4GHz-wlan – If it is configured to provide 2.4 GHz WLAN service
  • 5GHz-wlan – If it is configured to provide 5.0 GHz WLAN service
  • bridge – If it is configured to provide client-bridge operation
statistics {detail|window-data} Optional. Displays radio traffic and RF statistics. Use additional filters to view specific details. The options are: are:
  • detail – Displays detailed traffic and RF statistics of all radios
  • window-data – Displays historical data over a time window
<1-3> Optional. Specify the radio interface index from 1- 3, if not specified as part of the radio ID using the preceding parameter.
filter <RADIO-MAC> Optional. Provides additional filters
  • <RADIO-MAC> – Optional. Filters based on the radio MAC address
on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN- NAME> Optional. After specifying the radio MAC address, further refine the search by specifying a device or RF Domain.
  • <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> – Specify the name of the AP, wireless controller, service platform, or RF Domain.
show wireless radio {tspec} {<DEVICE-NAME>|filter|on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME>|option}
wireless Displays wireless configuration parameters
radio Displays radio operation status and other related information. Use this option to view radio association data, including radio ID, connected APs, radio type, quality index and SNR. This data is reported to the managing controller or service platform from connected access point radios and should be refreshed periodically.
A radio‘s RF Mode displays as:
  • 2.4GHz-wlan – If it is configured to provide 2.4 GHz WLAN service
  • 5GHz-wlan – If it is configured to provide 5.0 GHz WLAN service
  • bridge – If it is configured to provide client-bridge operation
tspec Optional. Displays TSPEC information on a radio
<DEVICE-NAME> Optional. Specify the MAC address or hostname, or append the interface number to form the radio ID in the AA-BB-CC-DD-EE-FF:RX or HOSTNAME:RX format.
filter Optional. Provides additional filters
  • <RADIO-MAC> – Optional. Filters based on the radio MAC address
on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN- NAME> Optional. After specifying the radio MAC address, further refine the search by specifying a device or RF Domain.
  • <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> – Specify the name of the AP, wireless controller, service platform, or RF Domain.
show wireless regulatory [channel-info <CHANNEL-NUMBER>|country-code <COUNTRY-CODE>]
wireless regulatory Displays wireless regulatory information
channel-info <WORD> Displays channel information based on the channel number specified.
  • <WORD> – Specify the channel number.
country-code <WORD> Lists the supported country codes
  • <WORD> – Specify the two letter ISO-3166 country code.
show wireless regulatory device-type [ap505|ap510i|ap510e|ap560i|ap560h] 
wireless regulatory Displays wireless regulatory information
device-type <DEVICE-TYPE> Displays supported antenna types based on the device type selected.
  • <DEVICE-TYPE> - Specify the device type. The options are: ap505, ap510i, ap510e, ap560i, and ap560h.
<COUNTRY-CODE> <ANTENNA-TYPE> Displays channel-wise power and DFS settings based on the country code and antenna-type selected.
  • <ANTENNA-TYPE> - Configures the antenna type. Displays the supported power based on the country code and antenna type specified.
    Note: The <ANTENNA-TYPE> parameter is applicable only for the AP510i/e and AP560i/h model access points.
avail-ant Displays the antenna types available for the selected device type.
show wireless rf-domain statistics {detail} {(on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME>)}
wireless Displays wireless configuration parameters
rf-domain statistics Displays RF Domain statistics
details Optional. Displays detailed RF Domain statistics
on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> The following keyword is recursive and common to the ‘detail‘ parameter:
  • on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> – Optional. Displays RF Domain statistics on a specified device or RF Domain
    • <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> – Specify the name of the AP, wireless controller, service platform, or RF Domain.
show wireless sensor-server {on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME>}
wireless Displays wireless configuration parameters
sensor- server {on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN- NAME>} Displays AirDefense sensor server configuration details
  • on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> – Optional. Displays AirDefense sensor server configuration on a specified device or RF Domain
show wireless unsanctioned aps {detailed|statistics} {(on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME>)}
wireless Displays wireless configuration parameters
unsanctioned aps Displays unauthorized APs. Use additional filters to view specific details.
detailed Optional. Displays detailed unauthorized APs information
statistics Optional. Displays channel statistics
on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN- NAME> The following keyword is common to the ‘detailed' and ‘statistics' parameters:
  • on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> – Optional. Specify the name of the AP, wireless controller, service platform, or RF Domain.
    • <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> – Specify the name of the AP, wireless controller, service platform, or RF Domain.
show wireless wips [client-blacklist|event-history] {on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME>}
wireless Displays wireless configuration parameters
wips [client-blacklist|event- history] Displays the WIPS details
  • client-blacklist – Displays blacklisted clients
  • event-history – Displays event history
on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> The following keyword is common to the ‘client-blacklist' and ‘event-history' parameters:
  • on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> – Optional. Displays the WIPS details on a specified device or RF Domain.
    • <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> – Specify the name of the AP, wireless controller, service platform, or RF Domain.
show wlan {detail <WLAN>|on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME>|policy-mappings|usage-mappings}
wireless Displays wireless configuration parameters
wlan Displays WLAN related information based on the parameters passed
detail <WLAN> Optional. Displays WLAN configuration
  • <WLAN> – Specify the WLAN name.
on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> Optional. Displays WLAN configuration on a specified device or RF Domain
  • <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> – Specify the name of the AP, wireless controller, service platform, or RF Domain.
policy-mappings Optional. Displays WLAN policy mappings
usage-mappings Optional. Lists all devices and profiles using the WLAN
show wlan {config filter {device <DEVICE-NAME>|rf-domain <DOMAIN-NAME>}}
wireless Displays wireless configuration parameters
wlan Displays WLAN related information based on the parameters passed
config filter Optional. Filters WLAN information based on the device name or RF Domain
device <DEVICE-NAME> Optional. Filters WLAN information based on the device name
  • <DEVICE-NAME> – Specify the device name.
rf-domain <DOMAIN-NAME> Optional. Filters WLAN information based on the RF Domain
  • <DOMAIN-NAME> – Specify the RF Domain name.
show wlan {detail <WLAN>|on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME>|policy-mappings|usage-mappings}
wireless Displays wireless configuration parameters
wlan Displays WLAN related information based on the parameters passed
detail <WLAN> Optional. Displays WLAN configuration
  • <WLAN> – Specify the WLAN name.
on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> Optional. Displays WLAN configuration on a specified device or RF Domain
  • <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> – Specify the name of the AP, wireless controller, service platform, or RF Domain.
policy-mappings Optional. Displays WLAN policy mappings
usage-mappings Optional. Lists all devices and profiles using the WLAN
show wlan {config filter {device <DEVICE-NAME>|rf-domain <DOMAIN-NAME>}}
wireless Displays wireless configuration parameters
wlan Displays WLAN related information based on the parameters passed
config filter Optional. Filters WLAN information based on the device name or RF Domain
device <DEVICE-NAME> Optional. Filters WLAN information based on the device name
  • <DEVICE-NAME> – Specify the device name.
rf-domain <DOMAIN-NAME> Optional. Filters WLAN information based on the RF Domain <DOMAIN-NAME> – Specify the RF Domain name.
show wlan {statistics {<WLAN>|detail} {(on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME>)}
wireless Displays wireless configuration parameters
wlan Displays WLAN related information based on the parameters passed
statistics {<WLAN>|detail} Optional. Displays WLAN statistics. Use additional filters to view specific details
  • <WLAN> – Optional. Displays WLAN statistics. Specify the WLAN name.
  • detail – Optional. Displays detailed WLAN statistics
on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> The following keyword is common to the ‘WLAN‘ and ‘detail‘ parameters:
  • on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> – Optional. Displays WLAN statistics on a specified device or RF Domain
    • <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> – Specify the name of the AP, wireless controller, service platform, or RF Domain.


nx9500-6C8809(config)#show wireless wlan config
  test   Y        test   wep64        none             1      local
nx9500-6C8809(config)#show wireless wips client-blacklist
No wireless clients blacklisted
nx9500-6C8809#show wireless regulatory country-code
            ISO CODE                                  NAME
  gt                             Guatemala
  co                             Colombia
  cn                             China
  cm                             Cameroon
  cl                             Chile
  al                             Albania
  ca                             Canada
  gy                             Guyana
  hu                             Hungary
nx9500-6C8809#show wireless regulatory device-type ap505 us
  #  Channel Set Power(mW) Power (dBm)    Placement          DFS     CAC(mins)  TPC
  1   1-11        4000      36          Indoor/Outdoor   NA             NA      NA
  2   36-48       4000      36          Indoor/Outdoor   Not Required   0       Not Required
  3   52-64       1000      30          Indoor/Outdoor   Required       1       Required
  4   52-64       500       27          Indoor/Outdoor   Required       1       Not Required
  5   100-140     1000      30          Indoor/Outdoor   Required       1       Required
  6   100-140     500       27          Indoor/Outdoor   Required       1       Not Required
  7   149-165     4000      36          Indoor/Outdoor   Not Required   0       Not Required
ap505-13403B(#show wireless client
Report start on RF-Domain: Store-1
MAC                         IP    VENDOR      RADIO-ID             WLAN        VLAN   STATE 
00-01-02-03-04-10 3Com Corp   00-01-02-03-04-00:R1 sim-wlan-1   1    Data-Ready 
00-01-02-03-05-10 3Com Corp   00-01-02-03-04-00:R2 sim-wlan-1   1    Data-Ready 
Report end on RF-Domain: Store-1
Total number of clients displayed: 2
NX9500(config)#show wireless bridge hosts
                                                                   (sec ago)
FC-0A-81-16-75-98    FC-0A-81-16-69-50    UP           00:00:00
Total number of hosts displayed: 1

The following example shows the location-server status as online:

vx9000-739FF8#show wireless location-server on ap7532-1600B0
  #              LOCATION SERVER HOST            PORT         STATUS
  1          testws.extremelocation.com          443          ONLINE

If the location-server IP address/hostname is not configured in the AP's RF-Domain, then the status displays as "no server defined" as shown in the following example:

vx9000-739FF8(config)#show wireless location-server on ap505-13403B
  #          LOCATION SERVER HOST        PORT               STATUS
  1                                      0           no server defined
ap505-133E1C#show wireless regulatory country-code
               ISO CODE                                 NAME
  BE                                 BELGIUM
  FR                                 FRANCE
  BG                                 BULGARIA
  GR                                 GREECE
  EE                                 ESTONIA
  CA                                 CANADA
  DE                                 GERMANY
  IT                                 ITALY
  HU                                 HUNGARY
  CZ                                 CZECH REPUBLIC
  CY                                 CYPRUS
  CH                                 SWITZERLAND
  AU                                 AUSTRALIA
  AT                                 AUSTRIA
  FI                                 FINLAND
  NZ                                 NEW ZEALAND
  IE                                 IRELAND
  ES                                 SPAIN
  DK                                 DENMARK
  LV                                 LATVIA
ap505-134038#show wireless re device-type ap505 us
  #   Channel Set Power(mW) Power (dBm) Placement      DFS       CAC(mins)      TPC
  1    1-1         160       22          Indoor    Not Required   0         Not Required
  2    2-8         200       23          Indoor    Not Required   0         Not Required
  3    9-9         160       22          Indoor    Not Required   0         Not Required
  4    10-11       125       21          Indoor    Not Required   0         Not Required
  5    36-36       100       20          Indoor    Not Required   0         Not Required
  6    40-48       250       24          Indoor    Not Required   0         Not Required
  7    149-149     200       23          Indoor    Not Required   0         Not Required
  8    153-153     250       24          Indoor    Not Required   0         Not Required
  9    157-161     320       25          Indoor    Not Required   0         Not Required
ap505-134038#show wireless regulatory device-type ap505 antenna
           RADIO                      Band                    Antenna
  radio-1                    2.4G                    internal
  radio-2                    5.0G                    internal
ap505-134038#show wireless regulatory device-type ap510i antenna
           RADIO                      Band                    Antenna
  radio-1                    2.4G                    internal
  radio-1                    5.0G                    internal
  radio-2                    5.0G                    internal
ap510-133AAA(config-device-94-9B-2C-13-3A-AA)#show wireless radio
RADIO                RADIO-MAC             RF-MODE        STATE                  CHANNEL    POWER #CLIENT 
ap510-133AAA:R1      94-9B-2C-0E-66-20 2.4GHz-wlan          Off              N/A (  smt)  0 (smt)       0 
ap510-133AAA:R2      94-9B-2C-0E-66-30   5GHz-wlan           On               36 (   36) 15 (smt)       0 
Total number of radios displayed: 2
ap510-133C9B#show wireless regulatory channel-info
             CHANNEL                         Center Frequency(MHz)
  1                               2412
  2                               2417
  3                               2422
  4                               2427
  5                               2432
  6                               2437
  7                               2442
  8                               2447
  9                               2452
  10                              2457
  11                              2462
  12                              2467
  13                              2472
  14                              2484
  21                              4955
  25                              4975
  34                              5170
  36                              5180
  38                              5190
  40                              5200
  42                              5210

ap510-133C9B#show wireless regulatory country-code
             ISO CODE                                  NAME
  BE                               BELGIUM
  FR                               FRANCE
  BG                               BULGARIA
  BA                               BOSNIA & HERZEGOVIN
  BM                               BERMUDA
  JP                               JAPAN
  BF                               BURKINA_FASO
  BJ                               BENIN
  BW                               BOTSWANA
  BR                               BRAZIL
  BS                               BAHAMAS
  FI                               FINLAND
  FK                               FALKLAND_ISLANDS
  FM                               MICRONESIA
  AL                               ALBANIA
  RU                               RUSSIA
  NL                               NETHERLANDS
  NO                               NORWAY
  KY                               CAYMAN_ISLANDS
  RE                               REUNION
  NZ                               NEW ZEALAND
ap510-133C9B#show wireless regulatory device-type ap510e us
  #   Channel Set Power(mW) Power (dBm) Placement      DFS         CAC(mins)
  1    1-1         80        19          Indoor    Not Required   0
  2    2-3         100       20          Indoor    Not Required   0
  3    4-7         125       21          Indoor    Not Required   0
  4    8-9         100       20          Indoor    Not Required   0
  5    10-10       80        19          Indoor    Not Required   0
  6    11-11       64        18          Indoor    Not Required   0
  7    1-1         80        19          Outdoor   Not Required   0
  8    2-3         100       20          Outdoor   Not Required   0
  9    4-7         125       21          Outdoor   Not Required   0
  10   8-9         100       20          Outdoor   Not Required   0
  11   10-10       80        19          Outdoor   Not Required   0
  12   11-11       64        18          Outdoor   Not Required   0
  13   36-36       32        15          Indoor    Not Required   0
  14   40-44       64        18          Indoor    Not Required   0
  15   48-48       50        17          Indoor    Not Required   0
  16   36-48       20        13          Outdoor   Not Required   0
  17   149-149     80        19          Indoor    Not Required   0
  18   153-169     125       21          Indoor    Not Required   0
  19   149-149     80        19          Outdoor   Not Required   0
  20   153-169     125       21          Outdoor   Not Required   0
ap510-133C9B#show wireless regulatory device-type ap510e antenna
         RADIO                  Band                      Antenna
  radio-1                2.4G                ml-2452-hpag4a6-01
  radio-1                2.4G                ml-2452-hpa5-036
  radio-1                2.4G                ml-2452-apa2-01
  radio-1                2.4G                ml-2452-apa2-02
  radio-1                2.4G                ml-2452-pna5-01r
  radio-1                2.4G                ml-2452-hpag5a8-01
  radio-1                2.4G                ml-2452-pta4m4-036
  radio-1                2.4G                ws-ai-dq05120
  radio-1                2.4G                ai-dq04360s
  radio-1                2.4G                ml-2452-pna7-01r
  radio-1                2.4G                ml-2452-sec6m4-036
  radio-1                5.0G                ml-2452-pna5-01r
  radio-1                5.0G                ml-2452-apa2-01
  radio-1                5.0G                ml-2452-apa2-02
  radio-1                5.0G                ml-2452-hpag5a8-01
  radio-1                5.0G                ml-2452-pta4m4-036
  radio-1                5.0G                ml-2452-sec6m4-036
  radio-1                5.0G                ws-ai-dq05120
  radio-1                5.0G                ml-2452-hpag4a6-01
  radio-1                5.0G                ml-2452-hpa5-036
  radio-1                5.0G                ai-dq04360s
  radio-1                5.0G                ml-2452-pna7-01r
  radio-2                5.0G                ml-2452-pna5-01r
  radio-2                5.0G                ml-2452-apa2-01
  radio-2                5.0G                ml-2452-apa2-02
  radio-2                5.0G                ml-2452-hpag5a8-01
  radio-2                5.0G                ml-2452-pta4m4-036
  radio-2                5.0G                ml-2452-sec6m4-036
  radio-2                5.0G                ws-ai-dq05120
  radio-2                5.0G                ml-2452-hpag4a6-01
  radio-2                5.0G                ml-2452-hpa5-036
  radio-2                5.0G                ai-dq04360s
  radio-2                5.0G                ml-2452-pna7-01r
ap510-133C9B#show wireless radio wlan-map on ap510-133C9B
RADIO                AP-MAC            AP-TYPE      RF-MODE BSS WLAN MAPPED
ap510-133C9B:R1      94-9B-2C-13-3C-9B ap510    2.4GHz-wlan 1   wlan1*
ap510-133C9B:R2      94-9B-2C-13-3C-9B ap510      5GHz-wlan 1   wlan1*
ap510-133C9B#show wireless radio detail ap510-133C9B

Radio: 94-9B-2C-13-3C-9B:R1, alias ap510-133C9B:R1
 STATE                : Off [regulatory power requirement]
 PHY INFO             : Bssid: 94-9B-2C-0E-72-A0 RF-Mode: 2.4GHz-wlan
 ACCESS POINT         : Name: ap510-133C9B  Location: default  Placement: Indoor
 CHANNEL              : Current: N/A Configured: smt Width: 20MHz
 TRANSMIT POWER       : 0 dBm
 ANTENNA USAGE        : 4x4
 PHY SETTINGS         : Short Preamble: N Dual Channel: N Spectrum Mgmt: N
 RATE SELECTION       : Standard
 ANTENNA DOWNTILT     : Not-Supported
 MU-MIMO              : Disabled
 ERP COEXISTENCE      : ERP Protection: N Non-ERP detected: N Non-ERP associated: N
 HT COEXISTENCE       : HT Protection: no-protection, Non-HT detected: N
 Current Channel Width: 20Mhz, reason: per configuration
 Num of Mcast Streams : 0 (max:25)
 Multicast streams    :
 WLAN MAP             :
     BSS-1            : wlan1* (*=primary)(BSSID : 94-9B-2C-0E-72-A0)
     Shutdown WLANs   :
 BSS MAP              :
     BSS-1            : basic-rates    = 1 2 5.5 11
                      : supported-rates= 1 2 5.5 6 9 11 12 18 24 36 48 54 mcs-1s mcs-2s mcs-3s mcs-4s
 Last error           :
ap510-133C9B#show wireless regulatory device-type ap510e fr ml-2452-hpa5-036
  #   Channel Set Power(mW) Power (dBm) Placement      DFS         CAC(mins)
  1    1-13        25        14          Indoor    Not Required   0
  2    1-13        25        14          Outdoor   Not Required   0
  3    36-48       32        15          Indoor    Not Required   0
  4    52-64       32        15          Indoor    Required       1
  5    100-100     50        17          Indoor    Required       1
  6    104-116     64        18          Indoor    Required       1
  7    100-100     50        17          Outdoor   Required       1
  8    104-116     64        18          Outdoor   Required       1
  9    120-128     64        18          Indoor    Required       10
  10   120-128     64        18          Outdoor   Required       10
  11   132-140     64        18          Indoor    Required       1
  12   132-140     64        18          Outdoor   Required       1
ap560-135500#show wireless regulatory device-type ap560h us internal-560h-30
  #   Channel Set Power(mW) Power (dBm) Placement      DFS         CAC(mins)
  1    1-1         125       21          Indoor    Not Required   0
  2    2-10        200       23          Indoor    Not Required   0
  3    11-11       125       21          Indoor    Not Required   0
  4    1-1         125       21          Outdoor   Not Required   0
  5    2-10        200       23          Outdoor   Not Required   0
  6    11-11       125       21          Outdoor   Not Required   0
  7    36-36       80        19          Indoor    Not Required   0
  8    40-44       125       21          Indoor    Not Required   0
  9    48-48       80        19          Indoor    Not Required   0
  10   36-48       40        16          Outdoor   Not Required   0
  11   149-153     250       24          Indoor    Not Required   0
  12   157-161     320       25          Indoor    Not Required   0
  13   165-165     200       23          Indoor    Not Required   0
  14   149-153     250       24          Outdoor   Not Required   0
  15   157-161     320       25          Outdoor   Not Required   0
  16   165-165     200       23          Outdoor   Not Required   0