
Enables support for WiNG-specific client extensions to the IEEE 802.11x WLAN standards that potentially increase client roaming reliability and handshake speed

Supported in the following platforms:


wing-extensions [ap-attributes-information {include-hostname}|
coverage-hole-detection {11k-clients|offset <5-20>|threshold <-80--60}|
ft-over-ds-aggregate|move-command|scan-assist {channel-info-interval <6-9>}|


wing-extensions [ap-attributes-information {include-hostname}|
coverage-hole-detection {11k-clients|offset <5-20>|threshold <-80--60}|
ft-over-ds-aggregate|move-command|scan-assist {channel-info-interval <6-9>}|
wing-extensions Enables support for inclusion of WiNG-specific client extensions in radio transmissions
ap-attributes-information {include-hostname} Enables support for AP attributes IE (information element)
  • include-hostname – Optional. When enabled, includes AP‘s hostname, as a sub-element, in the AP attributes IE.
    The AP attributes IE is vendor-specific and, when enabled, is added to beacons and probe responses. Inclusion of AP attributes IE allows Extreme Networks terminals to:
    • - Recognize Extreme APs
    • - Determine if the AP supports PAN BU features, irrespective of whether these features are enabled or not.

AP attributes IE is not added to beacons and probe responses by default.

overage-hole-detection {11k-clients| offset <5-20>| threshold <-80--60>} Enables coverage hole detection (CHD) and configures CHD parameters. When enabled, allows clients (MUs) to inform an access point when it experiences a coverage hole. A coverage hole is an area of poor wireless coverage not supported by a WiNG managed access point radio. Enable radio resource measurement prior to enabling CHD. For enabling radio resource measurement, see radio-resource-measurement. CHD is disabled by default.
After enabling CHD, optionally configure the following parameters:
  • 11k-clients – Optional. Provides coverage hole detection to 802.11k-only-capable clients. This is a reduced set of coverage hole detection capabilities (standard 11k messages and behaviors). This option is disabled by default.
  • offset <5-20> – Optional. Configures the offset added to the threshold to obtain the access point‘s signal strength (as seen by the client) considered adequate.
    • <5-20> – Specify the offset value from 5 - 20. The default is 5.
  • threshold – Optional. Configures the access point‘s signal strength threshold. When Radio Resource Measurement and CVG Hole are enabled, specify a threshold for the AP‘s signal strength (as seen by the client) below which a coverage hole incident is reported by the client.
    • <-80--60> – Specify the threshold from -80 - -60 dBm. The default is -70 dBm.
ft-over-ds-aggregate Enables fast-transition (FT) aggregation of action frames. When enabled, increases roaming speed by eliminating separate key exchange handshake frames with potential roam candidates. Enable fast transition to complete an initial FT over distribution system (DS) handshake with multiple roam candidates (up to 6) at once, eliminating the need to send separate FT over DS handshakes to each roam candidate.

This option is disabled by default.

move-command Enables use of Hyper Fast Secure Roaming (HFSR) for clients on this WLAN. This feature applies only to certain client devices. This option is disabled by default.
scan-assist {channel-info-interval <6-9>} Enables support for scanning assist. When enabled, allows faster roams on Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS) channels by eliminating passive scans. Clients get channel information directly from possible roam candidates. This option is disabled by default.
  • channel-info-interval <6-9> – Optional. Configures the interval at which channel information is periodically retrieved from potential roam candidates without requesting scan assist.
    • <6-9> – Specify the interval from 6 - 9 seconds. When enabled, the default value is 8 seconds.
smart-scan Enables a smart scan to refine a clients channel scans to just a few channels as opposed to all available channels. This option is disabled by default.
wing-load-information Enables support for the WiNG load information element (Element ID 173) with legacy Symbol Technology clients, thus making them optimally interoperable with the latest Extreme Networks access points. This option is enabled by default.
wmm-load-information Enables support for WiNG Wi-Fi MultiMedia (WMM) Load Information Element in radio transmissions with legacy clients. This option is disabled by default.


nx9500-6C8809(config-wlan-test)#wing-extensions wmm-load-information
nx9500-6C8809(config-wlan-test)#show context
wlan test
 description TestWLAN
 ssid test
 bridging-mode local
 encryption-type tkip-ccmp
 authentication-type eap
 kerberos server timeout 12
 kerberos server primary host
 accounting syslog host port 2
 data-rates 2.4GHz gn
 wing-extensions wmm-load-information
 client-load-balancing probe-req-intvl 5ghz 5

Related Commands

no (wlan-config-mode) Disables support for WiNG-specific client extensions to the IEEE 802.11x WLAN standards. Use the keywords provided to disable a specific wing-extension.