

Configures frame aggregation parameters. Frame aggregation is a IEEE 802.11e, 802.11n, and 802.11ac wireless networking standard. It increases throughput by sending two or more data frames in a single transmission. There are two types of frame aggregation: Aggregate - MAC Service Data Unit (A-MSDU ) aggregation and Aggregate - MAC Protocol Data Unit (A-MPDU ) aggregation. Both modes group several data frames into one large data frame.

Supported in the following platforms:


aggregation [ampdu|amsdu]
aggregation ampdu [rx-only|tx-only|tx-rx|none|max-aggr-size|min-spacing|
aggregation ampdu [rx-only|tx-only|tx-rx|none]
aggregation ampdu max-aggr-size [rx|tx]
aggregation ampdu max-aggr-size rx [8191|16383|32767|65535|128000|256000|
aggregation ampdu max-aggr-size tx <2000-1024000>
aggregation ampdu min-spacing [0|1|2|4|8|16|auto]
aggregation amsdu [rx-only|tx-rx]


aggregation ampdu [rx-only|tx-only|tx-rx|none]
aggregation Configures 802.11n frame aggregation parameters
ampdu Configures AMPDU (Aggregate MAC Protocol Data Unit) frame aggregation parameters

AMPDU aggregation joins multiple MPDU frames, addressed to a single destination, to form a single frame. It wraps each MPDU frame in a MAC header. This aggregation mode is less efficient, but more reliable in environments with high error rates. It enables the acknowledgment and retransmission of each aggregated data frame individually.

tx-only Supports the transmission of AMPDU aggregated frames only
rx-only Supports the receipt of AMPDU aggregated frames only
tx-rx Supports the transmission and receipt of AMPDU aggregated frames (default setting)
none Disables support for AMPDU aggregation
aggregation ampdu max-aggr-size rx [8191|16383|32767|65535|128000|256000|
aggregation Configures 802.11n frame aggregation parameters
ampdu Configures AMPDU frame aggregation parameters

AMPDU aggregation joins multiple MPDU frames, addressed to a single destination, to form a single frame. It wraps each MPDU frame in a MAC header. This aggregation mode is less efficient, but more reliable in environments with high error rates. It enables the acknowledgment and retransmission of each aggregated data frame individually.

max-aggr-size Configures AMPDU packet size limits. Configure the packet size limit for transmitted and received packets.
rx [8191|16383|32767|65535|128000|256000|512000| 1024000] Configures the maximum limit (in bytes) advertised for received frame size
  • 8191 – Advertises a maximum frame size of 8191 bytes
  • 16383 – Advertises a maximum frame size of 16383 bytes
  • 32767 – Advertises a maximum frame size of 32767 bytes
  • 65535 – Advertises a maximum frame size of 65535 bytes
  • 128000 – Advertises a maximum frame size of 128000 bytes
  • 256000 – Advertises a maximum frame size of 256000 bytes
  • 512000 – Advertises a maximum frame size of 512000 bytes
  • 1024000 – Advertises a maximum frame size of 1024000 bytes (default setting)
  • default - Sets the default aggregation size.
aggregation ampdu max-aggr-size tx <2000-1024000>
aggregation Configures 802.11n frame aggregation parameters
ampdu Configures AMPDU frame aggregation parameters

AMPDU aggregation joins multiple MPDU frames, addressed to a single destination, to form a single frame. It wraps each MPDU frame in a MAC header. This aggregation mode is less efficient, but more reliable in environments with high error rates. It enables the acknowledgment and retransmission of each aggregated data frame individually.

max-aggr-size Configures AMPDU packet size limits. Configure the packet size limit for transmitted and received packets.
tx <2000-1024000> Configures the maximum size (in bytes) for AMPDU aggregated transmitted frame size
  • <2000-1024000> – Sets the maximum aggregated transmitted frame size limit

    The available range depends on the AP type and the radio selected.

    For 802.11ac capable APs, the range is as follows:
    • radio 1 - 2000 - 65,535 bytes. The default value is 65,535 bytes.

    • radio 2 - The range is 2000 - 1,024,000 bytes. The default value is 1,024,000 bytes.


      For AP7662 and AP7632 models the range for radio 1 and radio 2 is 2000 - 1,024,000 bytes. And the default is 1,024,000 bytes.

    Note: The WiNG 802.11ac capable APs are: AP505, AP510, AP7522, AP7532, AP7562, AP7602, AP7612, AP7632, AP7662, AP8432, and AP8533.
    For non 802.11ac APs the range is as follows:
    • radio 1 and radio 2 - 2000 - 65,535 bytes. The default value is 65,535 bytes.
aggregation ampdu min-spacing [0|1|2|4|8|16|auto]
aggregation Configures 802.11n frame aggregation parameters
ampdu Configures AMPDU frame aggregation parameters

AMPDU aggregation joins multiple MPDU frames, addressed to a single destination, to form a single frame. It wraps each MPDU frame in a MAC header. This aggregation mode is less efficient, but more reliable in environments with high error rates. It enables the acknowledgment and retransmission of each aggregated data frame individually.

min-spacing [0|1|2|4|8|16] Configures the minimum gap, in microseconds, between AMPDU frames
  • 0 – Configures the minimum gap as 0 microseconds
  • 1 – Configures the minimum gap as 1 microseconds
  • 2 – Configures the minimum gap as 2 microseconds
  • 4 – Configures the minimum gap as 4 microseconds
  • 8 – Configures the minimum gap as 8 microseconds
  • 16 – Configures the minimum gap as 16 microseconds
  • auto – Auto configures the minimum gap depending on the platform and radio type (default setting)
aggregation amsdu [rx-only|tx-rx]
aggregation Configures 802.11n frame aggregation parameters
amsdu Configures AMSDU (Aggregated MAC Service Data Unit) frame aggregation parameters. AMSDU aggregation collects Ethernet frames addressed to a single destination. But, unlike AMPDU, it wraps all frames in a single 802.11n frame.
rx-only Supports the receipt of AMSDU aggregated frames only (default setting)
tx-rx Supports the transmission and receipt of AMSDU aggregated frames


nx9500-6C8809(config-profile-505TestProfile-if-radio1)#aggregation ampdu tx-only

nx9500-6C8809(config-profile-505TestProfile-if-radio1)#show context
 interface radio1
  aggregation ampdu tx-only
  aeroscout forward

Related Commands

no (radio-interface-config-command) Disables 802.11n aggregation parameters