
Displays global information for network devices based on the parameters passed

Supported in the following platforms:


show global [device-list|domain]
show global device-list {filter {offline|online|rf-domain}}
show global device-list {filter {offline|online}}
show global device-list {filter rf-domain [<DOMAIN-NAME>|not <DOMAIN-NAME>]}
show global domain managers


show global device-list {filter {offline|online}}
global device -list Displays global information for all network devices. Use the following keywords to specify additional filters: offline, online, and rf-domain.
filter{offline|online} Optional. Specifies additional filters
  • offline – Optional. Displays global information for offline devices only
  • online – Optional. Displays global information for online devices only
show global device-list {filter rf-domain [<DOMAIN-NAME>|not <DOMAIN-NAME>]}
global device -list Displays global information for all network devices. Use the following keywords to specify additional filters: offline, online, and rf-domain.
filter rf-domain [<DOMAIN-NAME>| not <DOMAIN-NAME>] Optional. Specifies additional filters
  • rf-domain – Optional. Displays global information for all devices in a specified RF Domain
    • <DOMAIN-NAME> – Optional. Displays information for all devices within the domain identified by the <DOMAIN-NAME> keyword
    • not <DOMAIN-NAME> – Optional. Displays information for all devices in domains not matching the <DOMAIN-NAME> keyword
show global domain managers
global domain managers Displays global information for all RF Domains managers in the network.


nx9500-6C8809(config)#show global device-list filter rf-domain default
               MAC      HOST-NAME       TYPE     CLUSTER        RF-DOMAIN     ADOPTED-BY      ONLINE
 74-67-F7-5C-63-F0    ap8432-5C63F0   ap8432                     default                       offline
 94-9B-2C-13-40-38     ap505-134038    ap505                     default   B4-C7-99-6C-88-09   online
 B4-C7-99-6C-88-09    nx9500-6C8809   nx9000                     default                       online
Total number of clients displayed: 3
nx9500-6C8809(config)#show global domain managers
                      RF-DOMAIN                              MANAGER          HOST-NAME  APS  CLIENTS
                          WiNG5                    74-67-F7-07-02-35      ap8432-070235    3        0
                          default                  B4-C7-99-6C-88-09      nx9500-6C8809    1        0
Total number of RF-domain displayed: 11
nx9500-6C8809(config)#show global domain managers ?
  |  Output modifiers
  >  Output redirection
  >>  Output redirection appending
