Describes the interactive help system.
Use this command to access the advanced help feature. Use "?" anytime at the command prompt to
access the help topicTwo kinds of help are provided:
- Full help is available when ready
to enter a command argument
- Partial help is provided when an
abbreviated argument is entered and you want to know what arguments match the
input (for example 'show ve?').
Supported in the following platforms:
- Access Points — AP310i/e, AP410i/e, AP460i/e, AP560i/h,
AP510i/e, AP505i, AP7522, AP7532, AP7562, AP7612, AP7632, AP7662, AP8432, AP8533
- Service Platforms
— NX5500, NX7500, NX9500, NX9600, VX9000
help {search|show}
help {search <WORD>} {detailed|only-show|skip-no|skip-show}
help {search <WORD>} {detailed|only-show|skip-no|skip-show}
search <WORD> |
Optional. Searches for CLI commands related to a specific target term
- <WORD> – Specify
a target term (for example, a feature or a configuration parameter).
After specifying the term, select one of the following options:
detailed, only-show, skip-no, or skip-show. The system displays
information based on the option selected.
detailed |
Optional. Searches and displays help strings in addition to mode and
commands |
only-show |
Optional. Displays only "show" commands. Does not display configuration
commands. |
skip-no |
Optional. Displays only configuration commands. Does not display "no"
commands |
skip-show |
Optional. Displays only configuration commands. Does not display "show"
commands |
nx9500-6C8809>help search crypto detailed
found more than 64 references, showing the first 64
Context : Command
Command : clear crypto ike sa (A.B.C.D|all)(|on DEVICE-NAME)
\ Clear
\ Encryption Module
\ Flush IKE SAs
\ Flush IKE SAs for a given peer
\ Flush all IKE SA
\ On AP/Controller
\ AP/Controller name
: clear crypto ipsec sa(|on DEVICE-NAME)
\ Clear
\ Encryption Module
\ IPSec database
\ Flush IPSec SAs
\ On AP/Controller
\ AP/Controller name
: crypto key export rsa WORD URL (passphrase WORD|) (background|) ...
\ Encryption related commands
nx9500-6C8809help search crypto only-show
Context : Command
Command : show crypto cmp request status(|on DEVICE-NAME)
: show crypto ike sa (version 1|version 2|)(peer A.B.C.D|) (detail...
: show crypto ipsec sa (peer A.B.C.D|) (detail|) (|on DEVICE-NAME...
: show crypto key rsa (|public-key-detail) (|on DEVICE-NAME)
: show crypto pki trustpoints (WORD|all|)(|on DEVICE-NAME)
nx9500-6C8809>help search service skip-show
found more than 64 references, showing the first 64
Context : Command
Command : service block-adopter-config-update
: service clear adoption history(|on DEVICE-NAME)
: service clear captive-portal-page-upload history (|(on DOMAIN-NA...
: service clear command-history(|on DEVICE-NAME)
: service clear device-upgrade history (|on DOMAIN-NAME)
: service clear noc statistics
: service clear reboot-history(|on DEVICE-NAME)
: service clear unsanctioned aps (|on DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME)
: service clear upgrade-history(|on DEVICE-NAME)
: service clear web-filter cache(|on DEVICE-NAME)
: service clear wireless ap statistics (|(AA-BB-CC-DD-EE-FF)) (|on...
: service clear wireless client statistics (|AA-BB-CC-DD-EE-FF) (|...
: service clear wireless controller-mobility-database
: service clear wireless dns-cache(|on DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME)
: service clear wireless radio statistics (|(DEVICE-NAME (|<1-3>))...
: service clear wireless wlan statistics (|WLAN) (|on DEVICE-OR-DO...
: service clear xpath requests (|<1-100000>)
: service show block-adopter-config-update
: service show captive-portal servers(|on DEVICE-NAME)
: service show captive-portal user-cache(|on DEVICE-NAME)
: service show cli
nx9500-6C8809>help search mint only-show
Found 25 references for "mint"
Context : Command
Command : show debugging mint (|on DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME)
: show mint config(|on DEVICE-NAME)
: show mint dis (|details)(|on DEVICE-NAME)
: show mint id(|on DEVICE-NAME)
: show mint info(|on DEVICE-NAME)
: show mint known-adopters(|on DEVICE-NAME)
: show mint links (|details)(|on DEVICE-NAME)
: show mint lsp
: show mint lsp-db (|details AA.BB.CC.DD)(|on DEVICE-NAME)
: show mint mlcp history(|on DEVICE-NAME)
: show mint mlcp(|on DEVICE-NAME)
: show mint neighbors (|details)(|on DEVICE-NAME)
: show mint route(|on DEVICE-NAME)
: show mint stats(|on DEVICE-NAME)
: show mint tunnel-controller (|details)(|on DEVICE-NAME)
: show mint tunneled-vlans(|on DEVICE-NAME)
: show wireless mint client (|on DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME)
: show wireless mint client portal-candidates(|(DEVICE-NAME (|<1-3...
: show wireless mint client statistics (|on DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME)...
: show wireless mint client statistics rf (|on DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NA...
: show wireless mint detail (|(DEVICE-NAME (|<1-3>))) (|(filter {|...
: show wireless mint links (|on DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME)
: show wireless mint portal (|on DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME)
: show wireless mint portal statistics (|on DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME)...
: show wireless mint portal statistics rf (|on DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NA...