service (meshpoint-config)

Use this command to allow only those neighbors who are capable of 802.11n data rates to associate with this meshpoint.

Supported on the following platforms:


service [allow-ht-only|show cli]


service [allow-ht-only|show cli]
service allow-ht-only Allows only those neighbors who are capable of high throughput data rates (802.11n data rates) to associate with the meshpoint
service show cli Displays running system configuration


nx9500-6C8809(config-meshpoint-test)#service allow-ht-only
nx9500-6C8809(config-meshpoint-test)#show context
meshpoint test
 description "This is an example of a meshpoint description"
 meshid TestingMeshPoint
 beacon-format mesh-point
 control-vlan 1
 allowed-vlans 1,10-16,18-23
 neighbor inactivity-timeout 300
 data-rates 2.4GHz bgn
 data-rates 5GHz an
 security-mode psk
 wpa2 psk 0 Test Company
 wpa2 key-rotation unicast 1200
 wpa2 key-rotation broadcast 600
 service allow-ht-only

Related Commands

no (meshpoint-config) Removes the restriction that only 802.11n capable neighbor devices can associate with this meshpoint
service (common commands) Invokes service commands to troubleshoot or debug