
Device Config Commands

Configures the channel list advertised to wireless clients

Supported in the following platforms:


channel-list [2.4GHz|5GHz|dynamic]
channel-list [2.4GHz <CHANNEL-LIST>|5GHz <CHANNEL-LIST>|dynamic]


channel-list [2.4GHz <CHANNEL-LIST>|5GHz <CHANNEL-LIST>|dynamic]
channel-list Configures the channel list advertised to wireless clients
2.4GHz <CHANNEL-LIST> Configures the channel list advertised by radios operating in 2.4 GHz
  • <CHANNEL-LIST> – Specify a list of channels separated by commas or hyphens.
5GHz <CHANNEL-LIST> Configures the channel list advertised by radios operating in 5.0 GHz
  • <CHANNEL-LIST> – Specify a list of channels separated by commas or hyphens.
dynamic Enables dynamic (neighboring access point based) update of configured channel list


nx9500-6C8809(config-device-94-9B-2C-13-3E-1C))#channel-list 2.4GHz 1,2

nx9500-6C8809(config-device-94-9B-2C-13-3E-1C))#show context
ap505 94-9B-2C-13-3E-1C)
 use profile default-ap505
 use rf-domain default
 hostname ap505-133E1C
 area RMZEcospace
 channel-list 2.4GHz 1,2

Related Commands

no Resets the channel list configuration