For information on aliases, see alias.
alias [address-range|encrypted-string|hashed-string|host|network|network-group| network-service|number|string|vlan]
alias encrypted-string <ENCRYPTED-STRING-ALIAS-NAME> [0|2] <LINE>
alias hashed-string <HASHED-STRING-ALIAS-NAME> 1 <LINE>
alias host <HOST-ALIAS-NAME> <HOST-IP>
alias network-group <NETWORK-GROUP-ALIAS-NAME> [address-range|host|network]
alias network-service <NETWORK-SERVICE-ALIAS-NAME> proto [<0-254>|<WORD>|eigrp| gre|igmp|igp|ospf|vrrp] {(<1-65535>|<WORD>|bgp|dns|ftp|ftp-data|gopher|https| ldap|nntp|ntp|pop3|proto|sip|smtp|sourceport|ssh|telnet|tftp|www)}
alias number <NUMBER-ALIAS-NAME> <0-4294967295>
alias network-service <NETWORK-SERVICE-ALIAS-NAME> proto [<0-254>|<WORD>|eigrp|gre| igmp|igp|ospf|vrrp] {(<1-65535>|<WORD>|bgp|dns|ftp|ftp-data|gopher|https|ldap|nntp| ntp|pop3|proto|sip|smtp|sourceport [<1-65535>|<WORD>]|ssh|telnet|tftp|www)}
alias string <STRING-ALIAS-NAME> <LINE>
alias vlan <VLAN-ALIAS-NAME> <1-4094>
address-range <ADRESS-RANGE-ALIAS-NAME> | Creates a new address-range alias for this RF Domain. Or associates an
existing address-range alias with this RF Domain. An address-range alias
maps a name to a range of IP addresses.
Note: Alias name should
begin with ‘$‘.
<STARTING-IP> to <ENDING-IP> | Associates a range of IP addresses with this address range alias
Note: Aliases defined at
any given level can be overridden at the next lower level. For example, a
global alias can be redefined on a selected set of RF Domains, profiles,
or devices. Overrides applied at the device level take
alias encrypted-string <ENCRYPTED-STRING-ALIAS-NAME> [0|2] <LINE>
encrypted-string <ENCRYPTED-STRING-ALIAS-NAME> | Creates an alias for an encrypted string. Use this
alias for string configuration values that are encrypted
when "password-encryption" is enabled. For example, in
the management-policy, use it to define the SNMP
community string.
Note: Alias
name should begin with ‘$‘.
[0|2] <LINE> | Configures the value associated with the alias name
specified in the previous step
Note, if password-encryption is enabled, in the
show > running-config output, this
clear text is displayed as an encrypted string, as
nx9500-6C8809(config)#show running-config !............................... alias encrypted-string $enString 2 fABMK2is7UToNiZE3MQXbgAAA AxB0ZIysdqsEJwr6AH/Da// ! --More-- nx9500-6C8809 In the above output, the ‘2‘ displayed before the encrypted-string alias value indicates that the displayed text is encrypted and not a clear text. However, if password-encryption is
disabled the clear text is displayed as
nx9500-6C8809(config)#show running-config !............................... ! alias encrypted-string $enString 0 test11223344 ! --More-- nx9500-6C8809 For more information on enabling password-encryption, see password-encryption. |
alias hashed-string <HASHED-STRING-ALIAS-NAME> <LINE>
hashed-string <HASHED-STRING-ALIAS-NAME> | Creates an alias for a hashed string. Use this alias for configuration
values that are hashed string, such as passwords. For example, in the
management-policy, use it to define the privilege mode password. For more
information, see privilege-mode-password.
Note: Alias name should
begin with ‘$‘.
<LINE> | Configures the hashed-string value associated with this
alias.nx9500-6C8809(config)#show running-config ! alias encrypted-string $WRITE 2 sBqVCDAoxs3oByF5PCSuFAAA AAd7HT2+EiT/l/BXm9c4SBDv ! alias hashed-string $PriMode 1 faffdde27cb49ad634ea20df4f 7c8ef2685894d10ffcb1b2efba054112ecfc75 --More-- nx9500-6C8809 In the above show > running-config output, the ‘1‘ displayed before the hashed-string alias value indicates that the displayed text is hashed and not a clear text. |
alias host <HOST-ALIAS-NAME> <HOST-IP>
host <HOST-ALIAS-NAME> | Creates a host alias for this RF Domain. Or associates an existing host
alias with this RF Domain. A host alias maps a name to a single network
Note: Alias name should
begin with ‘$‘.
<HOST-IP> | Associates the network host‘s IP address with this host alias
Note: Aliases defined at
any given level can be overridden at the next lower levels. For example,
a global alias can be redefined on a selected set of RF Domains,
profiles, or devices. Overrides applied at the device level take
network <NETWORK-ALIAS-NAME> | Creates a network alias for this RF Domain. Or associates an existing
network alias with this RF Domain. A network alias maps a name to a single
network address.
Note: Alias name should begin with ‘$‘.
<NETWORK-ADDRESS/MASK> | Associates a single network with this network alias
Note: Aliases defined at any given level can be overridden at the next
lower levels. For example, a global alias can be redefined on a selected
set of RF Domains, profiles, or devices. Overrides applied at the device
level take precedence.
network <NETWORK-GROUP-ALIAS-NAME> | Creates a network-group alias for this RF Domain. Or associates an
existing network-group alias with this RF Domain.
Note: Alias name should
begin with ‘$‘.
After specifying the name, specify the following: a range of IP addresses, host addresses, or a range of network addresses. Note: Aliases defined at any given level can be overridden at the next lower
levels. For example, a global alias can be redefined on a selected set of
RF Domains, profiles, or devices. Overrides applied at the device level
take precedence.
address-range <STARTING-IP> to <ENDING-IP> {<STARTING-IP> to <ENDING-IP>} | Associates a range of IP addresses with this network-group alias
host <HOST-IP> {<HOST-IP>} | Associates a single or multiple hosts with this network-group alias
network <NETWORK-ADDRESS/MASK> {<NETWORK-ADDRESS/MASK>} | Associates a single or multiple networks with this network-group
alias network-service <NETWORK-SERVICE-ALIAS-NAME> proto [<0-254>|<WORD>|eigrp|gre|igmp| igp|ospf|vrrp] {(<1-65535>|<WORD>|bgp|dns|ftp|ftp-data|gopher|https|ldap|nntp|ntp|pop3| proto|sip|smtp|sourceport [<1-65535>|<WORD>]|ssh|telnet|tftp|www)}
alias network-service <NETWORK-SERVICE-ALIAS-NAME> | Creates a network-service alias for this RF Domain. Or associates an
existing network-service alias with this RF Domain. A network-service alias
maps a name to network services and the corresponding source and destination
software ports.
Note: Alias name should
begin with ‘$‘.
Note: Aliases defined at any
given level can be overridden at the next lower levels. For example, a
global alias can be redefined on a selected set of RF Domains, profiles,
or devices. Overrides applied at the device level take
proto [<0-254>| <WORD>|eigrp|gre| igmp|igp|ospf|vrrp] | Use one of the following options to associate an Internet protocol with
this network-service alias:
<1-65535>|<WORD>| bgp|dns|ftp|ftp-data| gopher|https|ldap|nntp| ntp|pop3|proto|sip|smtp| sourceport [<1-65535>| <WORD>]|ssh|telnet| tftp|www)} | After specifying the protocol, you may configure a destination port for
this service. These keywords are recursive and you can configure multiple
protocols and associate multiple destination and source ports.
alias number <NUMBER-ALIAS-NAME> <0-4294967295>
alias number <NUMBER-ALIAS-NAME> <0-4294967295> | Creates a new number alias or applies an existing number, identified by
the <NUMBER-ALIAS-NAME> keyword
Number aliases map a name to a numeric value. For example, ‘alias
number $NUMBER 100‘.
Note: The value referenced by alias $NUMBER, wherever used, is
alias string <STRING-ALIAS-NAME> <LINE>
alias string <STRING-ALIAS-NAME> | Creates a string alias for this RF Domain. Or associates an existing
string alias with this RF Domain. String aliases map a name to an arbitrary
string value. For example, ‘alias string $DOMAIN‘. In this example, the string alias name is:
$DOMAIN and the
string value it is mapped to is: In this example, the string alias refers
to a domain name.
Note: Alias name should
begin with ‘$‘.
Note: Aliases defined at any
given level can be overridden at the next lower levels. For example, a
global alias can be redefined on a selected set of RF Domains, profiles,
or devices. Overrides applied at the device level take
alias vlan <VLAN-ALIAS-NAME> <1-4094>
alias vlan <VLAN-ALIAS-NAME> | Creates a VLAN alias for this RF Domain. Or associates an existing VLAN
alias with this RF Domain. A VLAN alias maps a name to a VLAN ID.
Note: Alias name should
begin with ‘$‘.
<1-4094> | Maps the VLAN alias to a VLAN ID
Note: Aliases defined at
any given level can be overridden at the next lower levels. For example,
a global alias can be redefined on a selected set of RF Domains,
profiles, or devices. Overrides applied at the device level take
nx9500-6C8809(config)#show context ! ! Configuration of NX9500 version ! ! version 2.6 ! ! alias network-group $TestNetGrpAlias network alias network-group $TestNetGrpAlias address-range to to ! alias network $TestNetworkAlias ! alias host $TestHostAlias ! alias address-range $TestAddRanAlias to ! alias network-service $NetworkServAlias proto udp ! alias network-service $kerberos proto tcp 749 750 80 proto udp 68 sourceport 67 ! alias vlan $TestVLANAlias 1 --More-- nx9500-6C8809(config)#
In the following examples the global aliases ‘$kerberos‘ and ‘$TestVLANAlias‘ are associated with the RF Domain ‘test‘ and overrides applied:
nx9500-6C8809(config-rf-domain-test)#alias network-service $kerberos proto tcp 749 750 80
nx9500-6C8809(config-rf-domain-test)#alias vlan $TestVLANAlias 10
nx9500-6C8809(config-rf-domain-test)#show context rf-domain test no country-code alias network-service $kerberos proto tcp 749 750 80 alias vlan $TestVLANAlias 10 nx9500-6C8809(config-rf-domain-test)#
nx9500-6C8809(config-rf-domain-test)#alias string $test
nx9500-6C8809(config-rf-domain-test)#show context rf-domain test no country-code alias string $test nx9500-6C8809(config-rf-domain-test)#
Example 1:
In the following examples, the network-group alias ‘$test‘ is configured to include hosts and, networks and and address-range to
nx9500-6C8809(config)#alias network-group $test host
nx9500-6C8809(config)#alias network-group $test network
nx9500-6C8809(config)#alias network-group $test address-range to
Associate this network-group alias ‘$test‘ to the RF Domain ‘test‘ and override the ‘host‘ element of the alias.
nx9500-6C8809(config-rf-domain-test)#alias network-group $test host
nx9500-6C8809#show context rf-domain test no country-code alias network-service $kerberos proto tcp 749 750 80 alias network-group $test host alias network-group $test network alias network-group $test address-range to alias vlan $TestVLANAlias 10 nx9500-6C8809(config-rf-domain-test)#
In the preceding example, the ‘host‘ element of the network-group alias ‘$test‘ has been overridden. But the ‘network‘ and ‘address-range‘ elements have been retained as is.
no (rf-domain-config-mode) | Removes a network, network-group, network-service, VLAN, or string alias from this RF Domain |