
Displays event history report

Supported in the following platforms:


show event-history {on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME>}


show event-history {on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME>}
event-history Displays event history report
on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN- NAME> Optional. Displays event history report on a device or RF Domain
  • <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> – Specify the name of the AP, wireless controller, service platform, or RF Domain.


nx9500-6C8809#show event-history
Generated on '2017-09-21 05:19:55 UTC' by 'admin'

2017-06-06 10:40:19 nx9500-6C8809  SYSTEM     LOGIN                
Successfully logged in user 'admin' with privilege 'superuser' from 'ssh'
2017-06-06 10:38:36 nx9500-6C8809  SYSTEM     LOGOUT               
Logged out user 'admin' with privilege 'superuser' from ''
2017-06-06 10:27:34 nx9500-6C8809  SYSTEM     LOGIN                
Successfully logged in user 'admin' with privilege 'superuser' from 'ssh'
2017-06-06 10:27:34 nx9500-6C8809  SYSTEM     LOGOUT               
Logged out user 'admin' with privilege 'superuser' from ''
2016-09-20 23:52:49 nx9500-6C8809  SYSTEM     LOGIN                
Successfully logged in user 'admin' with privilege 'superuser' from 'ssh'
2016-09-20 05:39:01 nx9500-6C8809  SYSTEM     LOGOUT               
Logged out user 'admin' with privilege 'superuser' from ''
2016-09-20 05:08:54 nx9500-6C8809  SYSTEM     LOGIN                
Successfully logged in user 'admin' with privilege 'superuser' from 'ssh'