
Configures the Smart RF power settings over both 2.4 GHZ and 5.0 GHZ radios

Supported in the following platforms:


assignable-power [2.4GHz|5GHz] [max|min] <1-20>


assignable-power [2.4GHz|5GHz] [max|min] <1-20>

2.4GHz [max|min] <1-20>

Assigns a power range on the 2.4 GHz band

  • max <1-20> – Sets the upper limit from 1 dBm - 20 dBm (default is 17 dBm)

  • min <1-20> – Sets the lower limit from 1 dBm - 20 dBm (default is 4 dBm)

5GHz [max|min] <1-20>

Assigns a power range on the 5.0 GHz band

  • max <1-20> – Sets the upper limit from 1 dBm - 20 dBm (default is 17 dBm)

  • min <1-20> – Sets the lower limit from 1 dBm - 20 dBm (default is 4 dBm)


nx9500-6C8809(config-smart-rf-policy-test)#assignable-power 2.4GHz max 20
nx9500-6C8809(config-smart-rf-policy-test)#assignable-power 2.4GHz min 8
nx9500-6C8809(config-smart-rf-policy-test)#show context
smart-rf-policy test
 assignable-power 2.4GHz max 20
 assignable-power 2.4GHz min 8
 area test channel-list 2.4GHz 1,2,3

Related Commands

no (smart-rf-policy-config-mode-command)

Resets assignable power to its default