
The following table summarizes the PRIV EXEC configuration mode commands:

Table 1. Privileged Exec Commands
Command Description
archive Manages file archive operations
boot Specifies the boot partition as primary or secondary. The device boots using the image stored in the specified partition.
captive-portal-page-upload Uploads captive portal advanced pages to adopted access points
cd Changes the current directory
change-password Changes the password of the currently logged-in user
clear Clears parameters, cache entries, table entries, and other similar entries
clock Configures the system clock
cluster Initiates a cluster context
configure Enters the global configuration mode
commit Commits changes made in the active session.
connect Begins a console connection to a remote device
copy Clears parameters, cache entries, table entries, and other similar entries
create-cluster Creates a new cluster on a specified device
crypto Enables encryption
crypto-cmp-cert-update Triggers a CMP certificate update on a specified device or devices
database Enables automatic repairing (vacuuming) and dropping of databases (Captive-portal and NSight)
database-backup Backs up captive-portal and/or NSight database to a specified location and file on an FTP or SFTP server
database-restore Restores a previously exported database [captive-portal and/or NSight]. Previously exported databases (backed up to a specified FTP or SFTP server) are restored to the original database.
delete Deletes a specified file from the system
device-upgrade Configures device firmware upgrade parameters
diff Displays the differences between two files
dir Displays the list of files on a file system
disable Disables the privileged mode command set
edit Edits a text file
erase Erases a file system
factory-reset Erases startup configuration on a specified device or all devices within a specified RF Domain
Note: Use this command to revert an AP505 and AP510 model access points personality flag to 'unknown'.
file-sync Configures parameters enabling syncing of PKCS#12 and wireless-bridge certificate between the staging-controller and adopted access points
help Describes the interactive help system.
halt Halts a device (access point, wireless controller, or service platform)
join-cluster Adds a device (access point, wireless controller, or service platform), as cluster member, to an existing cluster of devices
l2tpv3 Establishes or brings down L2TPV3 tunnels
logging Modifies message logging parameters
mint Configures MiNT settings
mkdir Creates a new directory in the file system
more Displays the contents of a file
no Negates a command or sets its default
on Executes the following commands in the RF Domain context: clrscr, do, end, exit, help, service, and show
opendns Connects to the OpenDNS site using OpenDNS registered credentials (username, password) OR OpenDNS API token to fetch the OpenDNS device_id. This command is a part of the process integrating access points, controllers, and service platforms with OpenDNS.
operational-mode Resets a standalone AP's mode of operation from 'distributed' to 'centralized'.
Note: This command is only applicable on AP410, AP460, AP505, AP510 and AP560 model access points.
page Toggles a device‘s (access point, wireless controller, or service platform) paging function
ping Sends ICMP echo messages to a user-specified location
ping6 Sends ICMPv6 echo messages to a user-specified location
pwd Displays the current directory
re-elect Re-elects the tunnel controller (wireless controller, service platform, or access point)
reload Halts a device (wireless controller, service platform, or access point) and performs a warm reboot
rename Renames a file in the existing file system
rmdir Deletes an existing file from the file system
self Displays the configuration context of the device
ssh Connects to another device using a secure shell
telnet Opens a Telnet session
terminal Sets the length and width of the terminal window
telnet Verifies the time taken by a particular command between request and response
time-it Verifies the time taken by a particular command between request and response
traceroute Traces the route to a defined IPv4 destination
traceroute6 Traces the route to a defined IPv6 destination
trigger-smart-sensor Triggers the smart-sensor calibration function to provision APs as sensors within a wireless deployment.
Note: Smart-sensor calibration can be triggered on the RF Domain from the controller (NX5500, NX7500, NX9500, NX9600 and VX9000). Alternately, if the RF Domain manager is an AP8533, you issue the command locally on the RF Domain manager.
upgrade Upgrades the software image
upgrade-abort Aborts an ongoing software image upgrade
exit Ends the current CLI session and closes the session window
watch Repeats the specific CLI command at a periodic interval
virtual-machine Installs, configures, and monitors the status of VMs.
raid Enables RAID management.


For information on common commands (clrscr, commit, help, revert, service, show, write, and exit), see Common Commands.


The input parameter <HOSTNAME>, if used in syntax across this chapter, cannot include an underscore (_) character.