beacon-format (meshpoint-config)

Configures the beacon transmission format for this meshpoint. Beacons are transmitted periodically to advertise that a wireless network is available. It contains all the required information for a device to connect to the network.

The beacon format advertises how a mesh-capable access point acts. APs can act either as an access point or a meshpoint.

Supported on the following platforms:


beacon-format [access-point|mesh-point]


beacon-format [access-point|mesh-point]
beacon-format Configures how a mesh capable access point acts in a mesh network
access-point Uses access point style beacons
mesh-point Uses meshpoint style beacons (this is the default setting)


nx9500-6C8809(config-meshpoint-test)#beacon-format access-point
nx9500-6C8809(config-meshpoint-test)#show context
meshpoint test
 meshid test
 beacon-format access-point
 control-vlan 1
 allowed-vlans 1,10-16,18-23
 security-mode none
 no root
nx9500-6C8809(config-meshpoint-test)#no beacon-format
nx9500-6C8809(config-meshpoint-test)#show context
meshpoint test
 meshid test
 beacon-format mesh-point
 control-vlan 1
 allowed-vlans 1,10-16,18-23
 security-mode none
 no root

Related Commands

no (meshpoint-config)

Resets the beacon format for this meshpoint to its default (mesh-point)