monitor (meshpoint-device-config)

Enables monitoring of critical resource and primary port links. It also configures the action taken in case a critical resource goes down or a primary port link is lost.

Supported on the following platforms:


monitor [critical-resource|primary-port-link-loss] action no-root


monitor [critical-resource|primary-port-link-loss] action no-root
critical-resource Enables critical resource down event monitoring
primary-port-link-loss Enables primary port link loss event monitoring
action The following are common to all of the above:
  • action – Sets the action taken if a critical resource goes down or if a primary port link is lost
  • no-root – Changes the meshpoint to be non root (this is the action taken in case any of the above mentioned two events occur)


nx9500-6C8809(config-profile-AP8533TestProfile-meshpoint-test)#monitor critical-resource 
action no-root
nx9500-6C8809(config-profile-AP8533TestProfile-meshpoint-test)#show context
 meshpoint-device test
  name test
  monitor critical-resource action no-root

Related Commands

no (meshpoint-device-config) Disables monitoring of critical resource and primary port links.