force (meshpoint-config)

Forces formation of sub-optimal paths through the meshpoint‘s root node. As per legacy behavior, non-root devices under the same root, communicated by forming direct paths through the network. This option allows non-root devices, within the meshpoint, to communicate by forming paths through the root node.

Supported on the following platforms:


force [peer-paths-through-root|peer-paths-with-root]


force [peer-paths-through-root|peer-paths-with-root]
force Forces formation of sub-optimal paths through the meshpoint root node.
peer-paths-through-root Forces non-root devices to communicate by forming sub-optimal paths through the root node. This option is disabled by default.
peer-paths-with-root Forces non-root devices to communicate by forming sub-optimal paths with the root node. Does not allow formation of ad-hoc peer-to-peer paths. This option is disabled by default.


nx9500-6C8809(config-meshpoint-test)#force peer-paths-through-root
nx9500-6C8809(config-meshpoint-test)#show context
meshpoint test
 meshid test
 beacon-format mesh-point
 control-vlan 25
 security-mode none
 no root
 force peer-paths-through-root

Related Commands

no (meshpoint-config) Disables formation of sub-optimal paths