
Displays details of wired ports that have MAC address authentication enabled.

Use this command to view MAC authentication configuration and authentication state. The command displays the current authentication state of the wired host, the authorization state of the Ge1 port, and the wired hosts‘ MAC address. The port status displays as Authorized if the wired host has successfully authenticated and Not Authorized if the wired host has not authenticated or has failed MAC authentication.

For more information on enabling MAC address authentication on a wired port, see mac-auth (profile-config-mode).

Supported in the following platforms:


show mac-auth {all|interface|on}
show mac-auth {all|interface [<INTERFACE-NAME>|ge <1-5>|port-channel <1-3>|
t1e1 <1-4>|up <1-2>|xge <1-4>]} {(on <DEVICE-NAME>)}


show mac-auth {all|interface [<INTERFACE-NAME>|ge <1-5>|port-channel <1-3>|
t1e1 <1-4>|up <1-2>|xge <1-4>]} {(on <DEVICE-NAME>)}
macauth Displays MAC authentication related information for all interfaces or a specified interface
  • Displays MAC authentication related information for all interfaces
interface [<INTERFACE-NAME>|ge <1-5>| port-channel <1-3>| t1e1 <1-4>|up <1-2>| xge <1-4>]

Optional. Displays MAC authentication related information for a specified interface. Specify the interface using one of the following options:

  • <INTERFACE-NAME> – Selects the interface identified by the <INTERFACE-NAME> keyword
  • ge <1-5> – Selects the GigabitEthernet interface identified by the index number
  • port-channel <1-3> – Selects the port channel interface identified by the index number
  • t1e1 <1-4> – Selects the layer 2 interface (Ethernet port)
  • up <1-2> – Selects the WAN Ethernet interface identified by the index number
  • xge <1-4> – Selects the TenGigabitEthernet interface identified by the index number
on <DEVICE-NAME> The following keywords are common to the ‘all‘ and ‘interface‘ parameters:
  • on <DEVICE-NAME> – Optional. Displays MAC authentication related information on a specified device
  • <DEVICE-NAME> – Specify the name of the AP, wireless controller, or service platform.
Note: When the ‘on‘ keyword is used exclusively, without the ‘all‘ and ‘interface‘ options, the system displays MAC authentication related information for interfaces configured on the specified device.


nx9500-6C8809(config)#show mac-auth all
AAA-Policy is none

Mac Auth info for interface GE1
 Mac Auth Enabled
 Mac Auth Not Authorized

Mac Auth info for interface GE2
 Mac Auth Disabled
 Mac Auth Not Authorized

Mac Auth info for interface GE3
 Mac Auth Disabled
 Mac Auth Not Authorized

Mac Auth info for interface GE4
 Mac Auth Disabled
 Mac Auth Authorized

Mac Auth info for interface GE5
 Mac Auth Disabled
 Mac Auth Not Authorized

Mac Auth info for interface UP1
 Mac Auth Disabled
 Mac Auth Not Authorized