MultiAuth authentication supports the display of system-wide MultiAuth authentication values, MultiAuth authentication counters, port settings, end-user MAC addresses, session information, idle timeout settings, session timeout settings, and trap settings.
MultiAuth Authentication Settings and Statistics Display describes displaying of MultiAuth authentication settings and statistics.
MultiAuth Authentication Settings and Statistics Display
Task | Command(s) |
Display system-wide MultiAuth authentication values. | show multiauth |
Display MultiAuth authentication counters. | show multiauth counters [[quarantine-agent | cep | dot1x | mac | pwa | radius-snooping | auto-tracking] [chassis] | port port-string]] |
Display MultiAuth authentication port settings for all or the specified ports. | show multiauth port [port-string] |
Display end-user MAC addresses per port for all MAC addresses and ports or for those specified. | show multiauth station [mac-address] [port-string] |
Display MultiAuth authentication sessions for all sessions or the specified authentication method, MAC address, or ports. | show multiauth session [all] [agent {quarantine-agent | dot1x | mac | pwa | cep | radius-snooping | auto-tracking}] [mac address] [port port-string] |
Display MultiAuth authentication idle timeout values. | show multiauth idle-timeout |
Display MultiAuth authentication session timeout values. | show multiauth session-timeout |
Display MultiAuth authentication trap settings. | show multiauth trap |