Shortest Path VLANs (SPVIDs) are the VLANs used by the SPBV region internal ports. An SPVID pool reserves a set of VLANs for SPVID use only. The number of VLANs reserved in the SPVID pool must be equal to or greater than the number of base-VLANs times the number of nodes in the SPBV region that switch base-VLAN traffic. For example if there are two base-VLANs, twenty nodes in the region, but only 16 forward base-VLAN-tagged traffic, the minimum number of VLANs needed in the SPVID pool is 2*16 or 32 VLANs.

Use the set spantree mstmap command to specify a range of VLANs to reserve for the SPVID pool. The keyword spvid specifies SID 4095 for this Spanning Tree instance.



The SPVID pool configuration must be the same for all nodes in a given SPBV region.

The following example sets the SPVID pool range to VLANs 2000 through 3000 for this device.

System(rw)->set spantree mstmap 2000-3000 sid spvid