Determining a Port Classification Flow Baseline

In a well-managed network, begin by measuring normal flow levels to determine the proper limits for a given port classification. The firmware tracks flows regardless of whether FST is enabled. Before configuring and enabling a set of FST limits, use the show flowlimit stats command to form a baseline over time for the ports you wish to configure FST on. This baseline is defined as the highest level of flows seen on a port classification type under normal operating conditions: a port not under DoS or zero-day threat. Set the flow limits for each port classification by:

  • Adjusting the high-level limit to be perhaps 50 - 100% higher than the determined baseline for the port classification
  • Adjusting the low-level limit to be just above the baseline for the port classification

The idea is to only involve flow management when an event worthy of examination occurs. This baseline will vary according to how the port is used in the network. That is why each port should be set to a traffic classification with appropriate associated limits and actions.

Once the baselines for an FST port classification are determined, implement FST as defined in Implementing Flow Setup Throttling and fully described below.