Setting Policy Mirror Destinations (S-, K-Series)

Use these commands to create a policy mirror destination and to associate a destination port.

  • set mirror create control-index-list
  • set mirror ports port-string control-index-list [append]

You must also associate the policy mirror destination with either a policy role or a policy rule, which you then must associate with a policy role, by setting the mirror-index for the mirror-destination parameter in the following commands:

  • set policy profile
  • set policy rule admin-profile

The mirror-index value in the set policy commands is the same as the control-index-list value in the set mirror commands.

For more information about the policy commands, see Policy Configuration.

You can also specify the number of packets at the beginning of a flow to mirror by using the set mirror mirrorN command.

set mirror control-index mirrorN mirrorN-packets