PIM IPv4 and IPv6 Display Commands

The following tabe lists the PIM IPv4 and IPv6 display commands for Extreme Networks S- K- and 7100-Series devices.

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PIM IPv4 and IPv6 Display Commands

Task Command
Display summary tables of PIM interfaces, neighbors, BSR, and group-to-RP mappings. show {ip | ipv6} pim
Display RP anycast information for all or a specified RP. (PIM-SM only). show {ip | ipv6} pim anycast-rp [rp-address rp-address]
Display BootStrap Router (BSR) information. (PIM-SM only). show {ip | ipv6} pim bsr [detail]
Display information about PIM interfaces that are currently up (not shutdown). show {ip | ipv6} pim interface [ifName] [brief] [detail] [statistics]
Display the PIM multicast route (*,G and S,G) table. show {ip | ipv6} pim mrt [source source | group group] [interface] [detail] [brief] [summary]
Display the PIM multicast route (*,G and S,G) table by type. show {ip | ipv6} mrt type {all | s-g | star-g} [source source | group group] [interface] [detail] [brief] [type {all | s-g | star-g}] [summary]
Display information about discovered PIM neighbors. show {ip | ipv6} pim neighbor [ifName] [brief] [detail] [statistics]
Display the active rendezvous points (RPs) that are cached with associated multicast routing entries. (PIM-SM only). show {ip | ipv6} pim rp [mapping]
Display the rendezvous point (RP) selected for a specified group. (PIM-SM only). show {ip | ipv6} pim rp-hash group-address
Display PIM statistics for this device. show {ip | ipv6} pim statistics
Display the multicast routing table. show {ip | ipv6} mroute [source source | group group | interface interface] [brief] [summary]
Display the multicast forwarding cache that was used to program the hardware flow. show {ip | ipv6} mcache [group group | source source] [interface] [verbose | brief | summary] [statistics] [-wide]

Refer to the S-, K-, and 7100 Series CLI Reference Guide for a description of the output of each command.